Kaiser Chiefs.
Thursday, March 30, 2006, 7:42 PM
I got a new skin - Kaiser Chiefs.
They're a good band, for sure. (:
And im so in love with this blogskin. It's really nice.
Alright, i shall talk about today.
Hmm.. school as usual.
No more mum waking and shaking of my pillow every morning now.
Cos she's not around.
It's time for me to be independent.
The whole house is only left with me and my eldest sis.
So empty.
And sometimes, im scared.
Cos, sis works everyday and when she studies, she'll come home pretty late.
And im left all alone at home.
Im afraid of loneliness.
Lessons as usual.
I've been running wild on imagination these days.
I don't know why.
And i cant seem to concentrate well. For eg. Physics.
Pple say tht Mrs Peng can hypnotise students.
When she speaks, she hypnotise us by making us feel sleepy.
I find tht quite true actually. Haha.
Then we had poa.
Wasnt paying attention.
I was busy doing my english assignment.
Then laughed and joked around with hannan and sharifah.
The very crazy pple who sits around me. Lol.
Then Jasper came in, and we started talking about the 'crazy frog'.
The techno frog.
Then, hannan and jasper started to sing to the tune of the techno song and started to act like the frog featured in the video.
Was laughing my ass off.
And somehow, many of us kinda agree tht one of our classmate looks like crazy frog.
Pretty obvious uh.. W** ****.
Alright, so after school had the sports day meeting at the gym.
I realise Mohegan is becoming very kiasu.
Miss David actually kinda force everyone on Mohegan to at least join an event.
She said, "I want everyone of you to join an event, go sign up before you can leave".
Ha.. But before the meeting, i was alrdy being sabotaged by my classmates to join the track event.
For the '400x1m' and the '100m'.
Oh well.. i dun tink i can pass thru the heats la.
So i dun tink im gonna run during sports day.
After school.
Had lunch with xiaoqing and elaine.
Chatted awhile then something happened in the canteen...
I realise my school's pupils are very violent and rash.
Ever since i entered this school, i've seen many fights.
I just saw 2 fights today.
One in class and one in the canteen.
And i actually noe all the pple invovled in the fight.
But i wont name them here.
The one in class wasnt really a fight.
Just some argument and slaps.
The one in the canteen was serious and scary.
Those who fought were actually girls.
There was a teacher at the scene.
But the teacher didnt really do anything.
She cant help much, then she just walked away.
In the end, it's the students who stopped the fight.
What the hell.
I rarely see girls fight.
And the 2 of them used to be so good frens.
But still, they fought.
Alright, so after tht.
Went home with xiaoqing and elaine.
Xiaoqing then suggested to come to my house.
So i thot, yeah, why not.
So, we chatted, then she showed me all her ex-lovers frm pri sch thru friendster.
I've also helped her to change her blogskin.
Then, browsed thru the photos in my computer.
Haha, wad a wonderful time.
Then it rained.
So i decided to send xiaoqing home.
Also on the same hand, to buy my dinner.
I sent her all the way till her blk, cos it's raining quite heavily.
Then went off to buy my dinner.
Went back home, bathed then.....
Here i am.
Tht's pretty much about all for today.
Havent been blogging these much.
The Offspring is a good band.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006, 6:54 PM
I got no feelings now.
I feel nothing.
I don't know what am i feeling.
I don't know what mood am i in.
I just feel numb.
The teachers in my school are going get mad anytime soon.
I wonder how long they can tolerate more.
Many many many many many pple thought tht ima malay.
Just today, my fren fren's said(in chinese), "ehh.. why you talk to her in chinese?, she understand meh?"
Like................................. What the hell.
I realise im becoming sucha loner.
Im gonna be like my eldest sis.
Oh great.
Mum's going to msia tonight.
I feel so abandoned and empty.
Peterpan is a good band.
Monday, March 27, 2006, 4:42 PM
Somehow, i feel tht im lacking of parental love.
That is the saddest and hurting thing ever.
I really envy those who can communicate well with their parents.
I envy sikai, cos he talks to his mum like his girlfriend.
Oh well.
No love from parents.
No love from friends.
But sorry, im not desperate.
I realise im becoming such a loner these days.
School sucks.
Had pe.
Then had chemistry.
I realise i learn totally nth from chemistry. It's either the teacher wasting time or my classmates are wasting time or i dont listen to her.
I noe zero about chemistry.
I need help.
Then had recess, stayed in class once again.
Then had poa, and the teacher is going bonkers anytime.
Then had social studies, and thr's homewrk.
Then had cme, a total useless subject.
Then lesson ends.
Then accompanied nadia, im kinda worried for her.
Then had lunch, then stayed in school alone.
Then jasper disturbed me.
Then went home.
Then, death.
Then, life after death.
Then, school.
I sucked at blogging ehh. Hahahahaha.
I think im going crazy soon.
I have nth to look forward to everyday.
What the hell.
The Fall Of Troy is a good band.
Saturday, March 25, 2006, 3:32 PM
Sometimes, i really really dont noe wad to blog.
Im bored of posting about my school life.
If you go back to my old blog, you can see i really blog alot.
Whereas now, im becoming more and more lazy.
Is thr a cure for lazy-ness?
Cos more and more pple are saying tht im becoming more lazy.
I didnt really publicise my current blog.
I dont really want alot pple to noe i have one.
And i noe thr are not much pple reading.
Maybe thr's none.
But, this is whr i can speak my heart out.
Blog = Online diary.
Getting so emotional these days.
Now, i really noe the importance of my dad.
Haven been seeing him for a long time.
He really means alot to me.
Cos i think he's the only in my family who bothers about me.
Whereas, i feel tht my mum is bias.
She treats me differently from my sisters.
When i talk to her, it's like, im talking to a wall.
It really hurts when she's my mum.
When i talk to her, she replies me with face or hand languages.
When she answers yes, she replies with raising her eyebrow.
Am i really tht sickening to her?
Jealousy strikes me when i see how she communicate wif my second sis.
They talk really alot at home, like sisters.
Sometimes, i barely speak at home.
Tht's the reason why i dont really like going home.
But? My mum gives me curfew. And i cant be home late.
My dad treats me differently.
He gives me everything i want.
Thou he may be very strict with me at times.
But i noe, it's all for my own good.
He even apologise to me when he's in the wrong.
He'll say, 'sorry, sorry, i didnt did it on purpose'. (:
Even thou my mum treats me differently, but i noe she still care for me.
I dont hate her. Please.
I still love her, even thou she's ignorant to me.
So, maybe tht's the reason why i put friends before family.
I noe it's mean, i noe it's disrespectful.
But, friends gives me more love then my very own family.
I constantly thank god for giving me 3a1 and 4a1.
When i was in sec 3, tht's really when i feel im myself.
Tht's when how i should really behave.
I constantly thank god for giving me Club 9.
Alright, you pple may think, wad a stupid club.
A club tht is out thr to create trouble.
But no.
Club 9 means alot to me.
They're the ones who builds up my self confidence.
They're the ones who makes me be myself.
They're the ones who stood up for me.
They're the ones who make me know the importance of friendship.
They're the ones who make me feel at ease.
Thank you, God. For giving me Club 9.
I constantly thank god for giving me Xiaoqing, Weina, Huiyi and Jianming.
The 5 of us have been friends ever since sec one.
These pple are like the closest friend i ever had.
They're the ones who could be thr to share my problems.
They're the ones who could be thr with me whenever i need them.
They're the ones who could understand me.
Like wise, if pple are good to me, i'll be greatful to them.
I constantly thank god for Huiyi.
She's hmm... well, maybe the best fren i ever had.
Closer then anyone. Closer then my family.
She lets me understand the true meaning of friendship.
And also, the loss of friendship.
I give in many many times.
Everyday, hoping to get back what i want.
Oh well.........................
Some wounds just cannot be healed.
Even when you try to heal it.
Thr will be still a scar left behind.
The scar will leave memories for me.
One more person.
Ahhh.. i dont tink i'll write it here.
But tht person means alot to me too.
Tht person really dotes on me. ((:
I have so many pple for thank god for.
Pple like benson, ken, weiquan, peiyu, peijue, martin, auntie julia, david uncle.. etc.
(some of you may not noe who they're)
But they taught me alot of things in life.
I grew up with them.
Ever since i was born.
I wonder why am i writing all these stuffs.
Out of the blue.
Well, these things just poped into my mind.
That's it.
I realise i can really be lablled as 'pig'.
Every friday, i am always very sleepy. Esp after school.
So saturday, i always wake up at 1 or 2pm.
If no one wakes me up, i can sleep till 3 or 4pm.
And sometimes, i'll still take a nap in the afternoon.
No la, im jus merely tired.
That's all. Hahaha.
I have so many homewrks undone.
Math, Chinese, English, Social Studies.
Thr was a change in time table.
Damn, i didnt copy down the new one.
Oh well.. doesnt matter, all my textbooks are in school.
I only noe thr's pe on monday.
And my all my classmates are saying, "monday very shiok, dont need to study".
Sheila On 7 is a good band.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 5:41 PM
Ughh, school's boring.
But i cant help laughing in school.
With all the craps my classmates gave.
So we had this quarell on sat.
And im giving up.
Bloody giving up, esp after somebody told me wad u said.
Like, fuck.
So, pple, blame me okay?
Go find someone better.
Go and find a new so-called 'close' fren.
Someone whom can understand you better.
Someone whom you can trust.
Someone whom will not ignore you.
Someone whom will always buy you chocolates when you need one.
Someone whom can always lend you money.
Someone whom you can always share your problems with.
Someone whom can always accompany you to the toilet.
Someone whom can take your attitude.
Someone whom can stand up for you.
The list goes on.
But remb, look properly, dont be soft hearted and be taken in so easily.
School's a total bore.
I cant help sleeping in Mrs T's lesson.
Teachers have not been coming for ystd and today.
They're sent off to camp. Muahaha.
But bloody hell, they leave us wif tons of homewrks.
I hope more mosquitos will sting you thr.
History cannot be repeated.Memories will slowly fade.Billy Talent is a good band.
Sunday, March 19, 2006, 9:40 PM
So it's the 19th of march today.
Which is also my mum's 54th birthday!
Haha, she's getting older and older. Hehh.
Alright, so me and my 2 sisters celebrated for her.
Sadly, my dad's not around.
So, me and my sisters shared and bought a
Guess wallet for her.
Then we went to town to have
Fish & Co. for dinner. Also as a treat for her.
Fish & Co's seafood platter is really delicious la.
So we shopped around town.
I showed my mum the adidas watch i've been craving for.
Then, she said, "you pass your N lvls, then i'll get it for you."
I was like, wahh.. okay.
The watch is expensive la, it's $295.
Okay, im gonna wrk my ass off for N lvls. Muhahaha.
About ystd.
Me, Huiyi, Nadia, Jianming and Jasper went to east coast park to cycle.
Thou it's only the 5 of us, but we had a hella fun.
So we rented our bikes.
I rented a 'Limo"
Cos it's the double seater bike.
I shared with huiyi.
And im always the 'driver'.
And it's not easy controlling a big and long limo.
I get butt cramps very often. Haha.
Yup, so we pratically cycled the whole of east coast park.
After tht, nadia's family came.
Den we went to the beach, enjoyed the sea breeze.
Played with the sand.
Played soccer.
Then, we left for our dinner.
Ate, den went home.
What a tiring day.
Had muscle aches on my thighs.
Something very painful happened.
While sleeping in the middle of the night, my thighs started to hurt so so so badly.
The pain was so unbearable.
I was like gently hitting my thighs, the action is like those elderly suffering frm pain.
Haha, sucks.
And lastly, the photos!

I look like a friggin boy. Haha.


What a nice epic.

Look at how nadia is look at me. \m/

Me and huiyi.

Nadia with me behind and huiyi behind me.

LMAO. Our creation.

Group photo! One fifth of club 9.

What kinda pose do we have? Go figure. haha.

At last, food!
Oh well, sch's re opening tmrw.
Boring shit.
The same ol' routine is gonna happen again.
Fightstar is a good band.
My teacher says.
Thursday, March 16, 2006, 6:15 PM
My teacher says actually im a very smart kid, just that i am very lazy.
Yea, im sucha lazybum.
Smart as in? Smart alec? Ha.
Uh oh.. school's re opening soon.
My homeworks are webbed by spiders.
Uh oh uh oh.
Panic! At the study table.
Consequences of not doing the holiday assignments:
Miss S will say, "stay back after school and hand in to me".
Miss C will say, "wei se me mei you zhuo?" (why didnt you do your work?).
Miss T will say, "dont hand in la, fail your english lo, i'll see how u get pass your N levels" and then she'll write down my name then submit it to the principal.
Miss K will say, "why didnt you do your homewrk? do it after school and put it in my peigon hole".
Mrs T will say, no, she'll scream, "why didnt you do my wrk? it's jus 2 simple worksheets you noe?" then she'll walk away scratching her hair.
Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listenOh, we're still so young, desperate for attention I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wivesAmber Pacific is a good band.
Fed up ar.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 8:17 PM
Damn fed up man.
I wasted about 50 -60 msges jus for a cycling-outing.
Asking for confirmation.
Then at the last min, all came to tell me they cant go.
Maybe im not fed up, jus disappointed.
Urgg. Fuck.
Okay, what the hell.
Holidays are pretty much boring.
What i do is, eat sleep and day dream.
Then i'll sit at my study table, pretending to be studying.
While actually, im day dreaming, listening to mp3.
Jus to convince my mum.
I haven't done any of my holiday assignment.
All i done was english, and that is reading Reader's Digest.
Chinese, i dunno what the hell the passage is about.
All i understand is a master asking his disciple to fetch some water from the river.
Lame shit.
Math, i dun even have the math workbook, how the hell am i supposed to do? Heck.
Geography, hmm.. maybe i'll do tht. Depends..
P.O.A, hmm.. maybe i'll do tht if i have the time. Depends..
I just found out a new hobby of mine.
That is to check out all the rock band's website.
Thr's pretty much to explore.
I think i prefer indie bands now.
I don't like good charlotte nor simple plan.
Not my cup of teh o.
And look at good charlotte.
Look at their fashion style&makeups and look at the type of songs they sing.
It's like, you pour coffee onto your delicious plate of spaghetti.
GC fans are gonna kill me with their bazookas.
Bang Bang!
Ha Ha you're deadAnd I'm so happyIn loving memoryOf your demiseUnderoath is a good band.
What can i do?
Thursday, March 09, 2006, 6:11 PM
You said i left you.
I said you left me.
You said why dont i approach u first.
So i asked, why dont u approach me first.
Jus one day cannot pay back everything.
So, we talk no more.
We dont get crazy anymore.
We dont smile anymore.
Do you think i like tht.
It makes me more miserable.
Now, you found someone better and someone whom u prefer.
Someone whom u trust more.
Someone whom u feel more confortable.
Someone whom will make you smile and laugh more.
Someone whom can give u happiness and love.
Someone whom can take over everything.
So, 'mary' caught a new fish, so she abandoned the old and useless fish alone.
So, the abandoned fish stayed at a corner of the tank, looking painly at mary spending time with the new fish.
The abandoned fish stressed, thinking of how she can escape from the tank, hoping to jump into the great sea, hoping to find other fishes.
The abandoned fish finally understood one thing.
One thing, tht made her regretful.
One thing, tht made her so sad.
One thing, tht changed her life.
Im so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Can we turn back time?
I guess i'll have to dream on.
A Static Lullaby is a good band.
Everybody's leaving.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006, 5:11 PM
Why is everybody leaving me?
My dad has left me.
He has left me.
My frens are leaving me.
Who's next?
I dunno why my school likes to force us to love the school.
You get wad i mean?
My school, wants me, to love this school.
Not on my will.
This is funny.
I mean, hilarious.
No, i mean ridiculous.
No la i mean, crazy.
I realise, all my posts are pointless.
None of it concerns bout my life, or sch life.
My life have changed so much.
Especially this year.
I shall talk about today.
I hate going to school.
I hate the free time before sch, i hate recess, i hate after schools.
Reason? Cos i have no where to go.
Morning, i'll most prolly get myself late, than sitting at the parade sq like a fool.
Recess, i'll most prolly stay in class and get myself caught, than walking around aimlessly in the canteen.
After school, i'll most prolly go home, than staying in sch doing nth.
So, do u tink my life sucks?
I have to stuck a lollipop to make it sweeter.
No la, not so bad.
At least in the morning, JM saw me sitting at the parade sq like a fool, he came and chat wif me.
Wad a good and considerate fren.
My best guy-fren ever since sec one.
Coincidentally, i was pair-ed wif him for physics practical.
Anw, JM, good luck on getting your girl. (:
Saosin is a good band.
Panic! At The Disco.
Sunday, March 05, 2006, 4:21 PM

As you can see, Panic! At the Disco is making it bigger and bigger.
Appearing on more magazines, appearing on Mtv's TRL.
Congrats to them.
I've jus seen their video - I write sins not tradegies.
It's awesome, something like a circus act, very special.
The video goes really well with the lyrics.
Wheeeeeeeeee.. Im going search for their album in town.
Im going to buy Panic! At The Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out.
Only if i can find their album in sg la.
I've changed my main pic on my blog too.
Hot Hot Heat is a good band.
Thursday, March 02, 2006, 10:14 PM
Some terrible and horrible things happened.
Yeah yeah, my digimon died.
No la, jus kidding, but something bad did happened.
One of the tadpoles eddie caught can jump alrdy.
Haha, the rest are still swimming.
But the water is very very dirty and smellyyyyyyyy.
Im gonna be so so dead for meet-the-parents session.
Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
Had chinese workshop after skool today.
Before tht, me, JM, MK, and HY went to westmall's macdonald to have lunch first.
Then, JM taught us how to eat mac properly as he himself works at mac.
First method, when u eat McChicken, use
garlic chilli + curry sauce + myanoise.Second method, when u eat Filet O Fish, use
tomato sauce.
Third method, when u eat Chicken Fan-tastic, use
sweet chilli sauce.Fourth method, when u eat fries, use and
wadever sauce u can find in mac!
Hahaha, smartypants JM. Interesting stuff.
Okay pple, tht's all for today.
Teaching u pple how to eat mac properly.
Finch is a good band.