Saturday, April 29, 2006, 9:12 PM
I always love to have imaginary friends.
They're, Alexis, Ryan, Anna and Kumar.
And i love em.
K lah.
So today, huiyi woke me up at around 945.
Asking me if i wanna go out to study tgt.
Agreed, cos i needed help on poa.
Then she could teach me as well.
Before going out, went to have my haircut.
Hmm.. not much diff lah, it's still the same, just thinner.
So met her at 1230.
Then left off to Jurong Library.
Saw so many many many hillgrovians thr as well.
All mugging for exams.
Couldnt find a damn table thr.
It's so pathetic lah.
And it's hard for me to study without a table.
Then after tht, E came.
Chatted, studied for awhile.
Couldnt study lah, cant concentrate.
So we left off to town.
K, so walked around far east, cine, heeren..............
Then, as usual, we went to took neoprint.
Oh my, it has become one of our habits to take neoprint whenever we go out now.
Hmm.. den went off for dinner.
We both had korean cuisine.
After much influence by Da Chang Jin.
E caught a kitten plushie for me at the arcade.
Omg, it's like so damn cute.
Alright, after finished eating, me and huiyi headed back home.
And camwhore happens on the bus.
Ahhhhhh.. so tired.
Here are the pics as usual.
Sit back, relax and laugh at us.

Ahhhhhh.. reflections.

On da bus.


We're imitating those act cute lians everyone on frenster. Hahahaha.

Hmm.. natural.


I'ma super woman k.
I need to burn the midnight oil today again.
Silverstein is a good band.
Friday, April 28, 2006, 6:46 PM
Acoustic songs always melts my heart.
It's always so smoothing.
Esp. Vindicated by Dashoard Confessional, Seven Years by Saosin and Letters to You by Finch.
I love em, so so so so nice lah can?
Ystd's post was short cos i was talking to huiyi on the phone.
Didnt post much.
Anyway, it was my dad's 52nd birthday ystd!
I forgot to mention it ystd.
Sigh, his birthday yet i cant see him.
But still, i sent a sms to him wishing him a happy birthday.
I'm still awaiting for his return.
Which i dont know when it is....................
So, bout today.
Ahhh.. so damn pissed bout somebody's attitude. I hate it.
Sigh, i feel so helpless at times.
I cant do anything.
K, whatever.
English, did some cloze passage excercise.
I always love cloze passages esp those with interesting or exciting stories.
Math, went thru the past yr pprs tht's all.
Assembly was a talk on allegies(sp?)
By Doctor Daniel Goh from the NUH.
Haha, alright lah, he has good presenting skills.
And they talked about flu.
Phew, my flu wasnt as serious as the type he presented.
4 reasons why i sneeze:
- Hungry (im serious, it always like tht, whenever im hungry, i tend to sneeze)
- Dust (very common lah)
- Cold (very common also lah)
- Passed down by my dad (i always see his nose red in the morning, he sneeze alot too)
K k k.
Those are boring.
Hmm.. then had Mother Tounge.
Ehh.. attitude happens.
Bla bla bla.
Yada yada yada.
Then lastly, POA.
A surprise test.
Yeah, a surprise, my ass.
She didnt even told us tht thr was test.
And it's even counted in the CA overall.
Total bullshit + roti prata + curry + char kway tiao + laksa + mee pok lah.
Nonsense sia.
It more likey tht she forgot we needed one more test to contribute to the CA marks.
K, fine.
It wasnt like a test anyway.
I copied the entire test.
She dont care, cos the whole class are discussing about the test also.
Babi utan.
K, after school.
Went to have lunch with jianming, jasper, jiekai and pritpal once again.
With an additon of mengkian, huiyi and xiaoqing this time round.
No more Alif lah. Oh.. pritpal promised me, jasper and jianming a $$10 murtabak (prata with beef/chicken or kambing) next week.
Ooo la la. Shiok lah.
So we ate at the hawker centre instead.
The laksa i ate sucks anyway.
Not even spicy at all.
Jianming's spring chicken rice looks appetizing to me thou.
The chicken was like so big, like the size of half a chicken.
LOL, haha, size of a.............................
Ala, dunno lah.
It's jus seem big to me.
After eating, as usual, we chatted and laughed.
They were talking about ghosts encounters.
Jianming and jasper always encounter them at the gombak mac.
Cos they work thr.
The store house above it is haunted.
It was said tht, 8 yrs ago, the family tht lived thr was killed or suiside, im not sure.
The whole family died.
Jasper told me tht the father owed pple money, den being unable to pay back, they hanged themselves.
Scary rite.
I think if you check on the internet or local newsppr, might be able to find the story.
So, macdonald bought over the house for storage purpose.
And, if u want to noe more, you can ask jasper or jianming cos im sorry, i dun dare to continue.
Im really timid about such stuffs.
My hair stood while i listen to those stories.
K, so after chatting, jianming and xiaoqing left, they have something on.
Me, jasper, pritpal and huiyi went over to mac to chat.
Jasper and pritpal decided to go up and look at the flat.
Pritpal didnt see anything but jasper said he saw a ladyyy.............................
K K K.
Huiyi came over to my house after.
Used the com, looked at photos.
Then she went home around 5.00pm.
Sent her to the bustop, bringing yi teng(neighbour, 1 yr old) along.
Yi teng has emo hair k.
Haha. She's hot.
Envy her k.

Emo seh. Hahahahahaha.

Style ahhhh. Hahahahahahahaha.
But, thr's actually no such trend called emo lah.
Stop the emo wannabes.
Okay, so bought double cheese burger.
Total yum yum.
Went home.
I need to cut my hair tmrw lah.
It's so damn thick.
Probaly, i'll jus trim it.
Tht's all fer day.
Goodbye goodbye.
Im not even suppose to be here.
I shld be studying for my mid year which is like 3 days away?
Ya.. so, bye.
No, i'll eat my double cheese burger first, den laze around for awhile, den watch some tv, den eat some ice cream, den eat some twisties, den drink some shandy, den listen to some song, den BURN the midnight oil.
Ya.. so, goodbye.
From First to Last is a good band.
Thursday, April 27, 2006, 5:34 PM
I'm boredddddddd.
What a boring day today.
So after school, i had lunch with jasper, jian ming and pritpal again.
Nadia couldnt join us today. Sad sad.
Had alif, one egg one plain again.
Again, i laughed so much with them.
Everyday seems to be the same.
Tht's all for today.
What a pathetic story.
Goodbye, good bye.
Motion City Soundtrack is a good band.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006, 4:42 PM
Damn flu.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Sneezing fit struck me once again today.
It's getting worst and worst.
From morning till now, i've been sneezing non stop.
I can't even breathe properly.
I need to take a deep deep breath once every 10 mins.
It's really really irritating. I've used up 2 packets of tissue.
My eyes are bloodshot. Swelling up.
And i have a nose like rudolph the red nose reindeer.
I really felt shortness of breath jus now in class.
My heart is pain, chest pain maybe.
Im not the only one having flu today.
Saw aloysious, nadia, jianming and gerald sneezing away too.
Flu is spreading in 4a1.
Take good care peeps.
Am i suffering frm some kind of illness.
I recently read the magazine,
Seventeen.Thr's an article on flu.
It says if you sneeze more den 20 times in a row, you better consult a doctor.
My record of sneezing in a row was around 12 times. Continuous.
I feel really weak now man.
I can't even walk properly.
My head is like so heavy.
Somehow i feel like vomitting now.
No no, i shldnt curse god.
K, so i didnt pay attention to lessons after geog test.
I slept thru out, staring into the blank air, building sandcastles in the air.
Till after school, jianming and pritpal asked me to go for lunch at alif.
So, i went off with them.
Then on the way thr, saw nadia and i shouted, "nadia, nak makan alif tak?"
Yup, she joined us den we left off.
Went off to meet jasper and jiekai thr.
Ordered food, ate, den laughed.
I seriously cant stop laughing whenever im wif them.
Or rather club 9.
As the chinese saying goes 'chi bao mei shi zuo'(nth to do after eating), we started to distrub strangers.
First victim: 2 river valley boys.
Haha, one of them stared/looked at jianming.
Den jianming stared back with a kinda fierce look, 'kua si mi kua' (see wad see?).
The boy quickly turned back and eat timidly.
Hahaha, we were all laughing our ass off man.
Then next, pritpal purposely walk very close to them and knocked at the glass panel. (we were eating outside macdonald, the boys were inside)
But we were friendly lah, we smiled and waved to each other.
No harm at all, jus for fun.
The story isnt over yet.
Then, we asked pritpal to go and ask for the boy's number.
Pritpal said tht nadia wanted it.
Then, jianming and jiekai walked in and said to the boys, "eh.. sorry ah, my fren is gay, actually is he want your number".
Hahaha, pritpal was like so paiseh.
We joked so much jus now. I was practically laughing the whole time.
My flu got better when i was with them jus now.
But now my flu got back.
Laughter is always the best medicine and it's free.
For those who are loners or suffering frm depression, it's best u join club 9.
Serious, it helps.
You wont feel lonely at all, instead you'll be laughing all the way.
Anyways, im suggesting or rather im orgainising a BBQ birthday party for Jasper and Pritpal as their birthday is round the corner.
Their birthday is one 2 or 3 days apart.
Pritpal 11th may and jasper 14th may.
And coincidentally, it's just after mid year.
Yeah, kinda orgainising it now.
Hopefully pple will be interested.
See, if you're a member of club 9, your birthday will be big. Haha.
We continued to chat till around 315.
Cos thr was this very very scary guy around.
His eyes was so sunken.
I dun wanna elaborate anymore.
Too weak to continue.
Goodbye for now.
Pistolita is a good band.
Monday, April 24, 2006, 5:44 PM
Blogging now is seriously dangerous.
Thr are so many
eyes watching.
Very very dangerous.
I doubt i'll be blogging personal stuffs now.
Anything wrong word can get me into deep shit.
Deep deep shit.
Yeah, dog poo.
So i had my Mother Tounge and English ppr one today.
Hmm.. both was so-so i guess.
MT is worrying me, i totally forgot the letter writing format.
English, i chose the topic: Write about a time you had to rope someone in to help you with the preparations for an event. How did you do it? Was the event a sucess?
Many of my classmates wrote: Write about a situation when you revealed a secret and worsen the situation.
I didnt chose tht as i thot it might be easy to get out of point.
Oh well, cut the talking, wad's done is done, the ppr is alrdy handed in.
I'll jus have to wait for the results.
We were released at 1220.
But Ms Koh came in for a short supplementary.
Then we were released at 1300.
Released, haha, sounds like a dog released frm a letch.
After tht, me and huiyi decided to catch a movie.
I've been waiting so long for this movie: Take the Lead.
I've watched the trailer, like, 4 or 5 months ago?
Yeah, so it's finally released in singapore.
Went to the library to check for the timeslot.
Wasnt supposed to go in the library, it was closed.
But i saw the librarian, decided to convince her to let us check the newsppr.
And yes, she let us in.
Westmall, 1500. Too late.
Jurong Point, 1350. Best time.
In order to be able to catch the movie on time, me and huiyi decided to jus take a cab thr.
So, we made it just in time.
The movie was, awesome lah!
All about ball room dancing plus hip hop.
So so, nice.
I recommend everybody to watch it.
It's quite similar to coach carter actually.
With a bunch of hopeless students, den with the help of a understanding teacher...........................................
Go watch lah, i wont reveal much.
After the movie, it made us wanna dance so much.
Then, me and huiyi pictured ourselves dancing like them.
Salsa, tango..... etc.
Pweeet, hot lah.
Too hot to resist.
The girls and boys are so hot.
Damn, having a headache now.
It's gonna rain soon.
Rain rain come again, lil angeline dont wanna play, rain rain come again.
K la, goodbye peeps.
Royden is a good band.
Friday, April 21, 2006, 5:42 PM
It's April the 21st.
It's kim chuan's bday today and miss koh's bday tmrw.
If im not wrong.
And 6 more days to my dad's bday.
And 5 more days to linda's bday.
So many April babies. Haha.
Friday's lessons are always boring.
2 periods of english, 2 periods of math, assembly, 2 periods of mother tounge and 1 period of poa.
For assembly, thr's was a talk on F&N, presented by 3e6's students and 3e?, i forgot.
Alright lah, nth much to comment about.
Mrs Tai is crazy once again.
Maybe pms, tht's why so worked up.
As if the whole class owes her a million bucks.
The bell rang, she walked out of the classroom straight away.
Or maybe she needs to use the toilet very urgently.
Cos during napha, she was smiling away.
Teachers these days are so hard to understand.
So had napha today, the final test.
Yay, next pe lesson can play game alrdy. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
Before napha, i had a bowl of mee siam which was yum yum lah.
Added the chilli, wahh.. lagi best. Hahaha.
You dun need sugery to get your lips thick.
Jus eat the chilli and you'll get thick lips.
Huiyi and i had sexy lips jus now. Pweeeeeet.
It ended so fast.
Within 40- 50 mins, we completed everything.
Sit up was a total cheat.
You can actually do 10 and tell the teacher u did 40.
Cos nobody noes! Bad.
Not going to go into details lah.
Laziness strikes me again.
Played bball with jocelyn, linda, adelene, xiuling, jianming after napha.
Played, bounced, jumped, sweat, laughed.
What else can i say?
Ala, im jus lazy to go into the details.
Club 9's new motto : We spread laughter, we spread love.
Very meaningful.
By huiyi i tink.
Club 9!
K la.
I wanna eat my curry chicken now.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
Rookie Of The Year is a good band.
Normal day.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 5:58 PM
Today is wednesday.
Supposed to have chinese oral today.
But my teacher in charge wasnt here, so had it postponed to next wednesday.
No difference lah, but i rather have mine today.
So, while my frens are having oral in the gym.
Me, xiaoqing and huiyi was having lunch in the canteen.
Ate and chatted.
Then, slowly one by one, my classmates came down.
Continued to lepak and chat with Jianming, xiaoqing, weina and huiyi.
Till around 415.
All we talked about was craps.
But was laughing my ass off.
I always laugh so much when im with them.
I love them. Haha.
Yada yada yada.
Then walked home with jianming after tht, tgt with Mrs Lim the D&T teacher.
They were talking about mother's day and father's day.
Which is coming soon.
Jianming said he's gonna buy a crocodile brand underwear for his dad on father's day.
K la, im off.
Armor For Sleep is a good band.
Monday, April 17, 2006, 5:24 PM
Kids these days are so.. ha ha.
Yi teng the 1 yr old kid whom is my neighbour, whom my looked after is so bright.
So, everyday after sch when i reached home, she'll welcome me home.
Then, she'll hold my hand and point at my pocket.
Cos she noes tht the first thing i will do when i reach home is to take out my handphone and place it on the table.
After tht, she'll hold my hand and lead me to my room, den she'll pull my skirt.
Cos the second thing i'll do is to take of my skirt. (but im still with my pe pants on lah)
Then, she'll smack smack my bed cos she noe i'll lay my skirt on the bed.
Haha, smart kid.
After tht, i'll sayang her. Haha.
Another kid, Martin, 7 yr old, my ex neighbour.
He's getting more and more mischevious.
Recently, i saw his note book.
And it's all filled with, "I will not bully those who are younger than me anymore", "I will respect my elders", "I will not climb the sofa anymore".
Each sentence around 4 or 5 pages, A4 sized ppr.
Hahaha, i kept laughing at the "i will not climb the sofa anymore".
He's being punished by his eldest sis.
Haha. Ha ha.
And yes, Mid year is coming.
Pple, better start mugging!
Rock Kills Kid is a good band.
Thursday, April 13, 2006, 5:12 PM
Boring thursday.
It's the 13th.
To me, 13 is always an unlucky number for me. Really.
So for today's lesson:
Miss Toh wasnt here today, she's on a full-day course.
Math, did transformation.
I find this topic really fun, i just.. like it lah.
Mother Tounge, had listening comprehension.
Hmm.. i didnt listen to the stories for the first time.
Was busying decorating my table.
But i did listened for the second time when the stories are being repeated.
Geography, notes, tht's all.
Recess, library.
Luckily i didnt stay in class today.
Hannan told me Mdm Khong and Mr Mustafa was patrolling today.
Physics, i didnt fell asleep leh.
Haha, for the first time, i was so awake.
I don't know why.
Poa, i studied and chatted.
I cant stop laughing at Mrs Tai lah.
She's like so demanding.
Her face was stained with some marker's ink i think.
Then feeling ashamed, she shouted, "Give me a piece of tissue please!"
She shouted so loudly.
Hahahahahahahaha. Her expression was hilarious man.
K la k la.
After tht, i went over to tutor huiyi.
For the very first time, im actually tutoring someone.
Cos, im really really bad at studies.
I totally have no talent.
Sigh, maybe tht's why mum hates me so much.
I don't bring pride to my family.
Even Mrs Tai doubted me.
She said, "When did you become so good and you can actually teach pple!? Can you really teach a not?"
Tht brought me down.
I cursed and swear so much these days.
After school............................. was like fuck.
I can't tolerate anymore.
I feel like giving up.
Should i or should i not?
For so many years............
Fall Out Boy is a good band.
Bangla horror.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006, 6:06 PM
Screw Banglas.
I have my reason.
Every morning around 7.00am i'll walk past this blk.
Then alot alot of bangla workers will walk down the stairs.
Everyone of them will stare at me for god know reasons.
It really makes my hair stand.
This morning, worst.
One of the fat bangla said, "Hi" and ended it with a very ti-ko-pek smile.
Like... Eww! Gross.
I raised my eyebrow and looked at him.
Then of cos i quickly walked away la.
I dunno why, i jus have the sudden urge to spend my money on sweets today.
Bought some sweets in the morning den head off to school.
Had 3 tests today.
Geography, Physics and Chinese.
Stresssssss lahhhhhhhhhhh.
Geography was okay.
Physics was not okay for the ques behind.
Weird questions such as, "Why is earth wire called an earth wire?"
Go work your brains.
Chinese was chaos.
I don't even noe wad i was writing about.
My format for the letter writing was totally wrong.
When i handed in my ppr, my teacher shook her head and looked at me disappointedly.
So 'sad'.
I sorta quarelled with my mum concerning my freedom.
I argued back.
I don't wanna be treated like a jailbird.
And now, i guess things are much better.
She no longer call me everyday after school now.
Yeah, but i don't wanna over use the freedom she gives me now.
Ohh.. thr's chinese test tmrw.
No textbook, no notes.
How pple?
Red Hot Chilli Peppers is a good band.
Thursday, April 06, 2006, 6:04 PM
School's a bore.
I pity those who're involved in the school speech day rehearsal.
They have to stay in school till 8pm for the rehearsal, while im here enjoying to music, enjoying the air con, chit chatting, munching my pringles.
But their hardwork will pay off on Saturday la.
Urghh, Miss T was so so mean and nosy la.
Cannot tahan her sia.
After tht i had, Math.
New topic learnt.
Had Mother Tounge next.
Miss C now likes to call me "Kuang Pei Ling" in chinese la.
Cos thr's 2 peiling in my class.
But totally different character la. I tink? Haha.
She called me to ans a ques today, but with a very scary smile.
For dunno wad hell reason.
We jus went thru the textbook's ques.
But me, huiyi and daniel wasnt paying much attention to it.
We were laughing at one of our classmate who constantly sticks her tounge out.
Uhhh.. pretty obvious ehh.
We kept imitating her.
Haha, our bastardness and bitchyness.
I totally forgotten about wad happend during geog.
Stayed in class again, we didnt learn our lesson la.
Chatted with the councilor who were thr to catch us.
We dont care.
Punish us again and we'll do the same mistake again.
Tht's what we are.
Fuck the school system.
Nah, dont wanna talk about it.
It sucks.
Club 9 has a rivial.
'coconut gang'.-hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Thr's gonna be war soon!
We're bloody pissed at MK.
For betraying Club 9.
Death sentence for him!
Yeah, i decided to do the wrksheet given by Mrs T.
I dont wanna slack anymore.
I cant afford to lose anymore topics.
Im alrdy behind time.
So did the wrksheet, with the help frm Jian Ming and Adelene.
Thanks guys. ((:
Did some, den i took JM's wrksheet home to revise.
Then saw huiyi looking rather sad, so went to her to talk to her.
So, yada yada yada bla bla bla.
She told me about what she's troubled with.
Kinda helped her with it.
Talked to her.
Went to Jurong Point's Long John Silver's to continue the chat.
(ahhhh.. the cheese was awesome man. take your fries and dip it with cheese.
Totally Yum Yum.)
Okie dokie.
Talked some sense to her.
The rest is all up to her.
Bla bla bla bla.
~Sit tight, im gonna need you to keep time, come'on jus snap snap snap your fingers for me. Good good now we're making some progress, come'on jus tap tap tap your toes to the beat.Haha.. my hp rang with tht ringtone.
Hello hello? Guess who?
It's my mum.
"whr are u now!?""im in school"
'what are u doing in sch?""chit chat lor"
"very free hor, chit chat in sch, come home now""okay okay, awhile more"
She hung up.
Then i continue chatting with huiyi.
Yada yada yada bla bla bla.
~Sit tight, im gonna need you to keep time, come'on jus snap snap snap your fingers for me. Good good now we're making some progress, come'on jus tap tap tap your toes to the beat."hello, whr are you now, now raining how are u gonna go home? i come fetch u now, wait for me at the sch gate" (cos she's outside, and she's going out soon, so she wanted to fetch me with my dad's car)
(ohhh.. fuck, wad to do? im not in sch but in jurong point)
"errr.. jus now i in sch but now i at westmall eating"
"what!? you better head home now i warn you""okay okay, k la k la"
"are you lying to me?""no la, jus now i hungry mah, den i head to westmall to dine la"
"westmall westmall, very rich isst? you better head home now i warn you""k la k la k la, leaving now"
Haha, of cos i rushed home after tht.
Im gonna be in hot soup if she finds out im lying to her.
Urghh, fuck.
I hate going home.
Why cant i stay in school to chat with my frens?
It's not like im doing anything wrong.
It's not like im gonna commit any crime.
Goodbye to the sexiest pple who are reading my blog.
You're beautiful, sexy and so irresistable.
Pardon me.
My family is driving me crazy.
K la k la k la k la.
The Afters is a good band.
Sports heats.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006, 4:57 PM
K la.
I didnt win anything at the sports heats.
Hahaha, expected.
None of my classmates won too.
Except for Jian Ming only. He got 1st for 800m which means 2 round of the stadium.
Congrats to him.
After tht shared a cab with Jasper, Shahir and Tsu Haw.
Did nth much in school today.
But i was rather pissed at Miss S.
She likes to make a simple matter into a serious matter.
I was copying XQ's physics, so she took it and acted cute, when i asked back frm her.
Then bla bla bla, she gave it to Mrs P.
Fine, i'll explain to Mrs P myself since she wants me to be in trouble.
I'll speak for XQ too, i don't want her to get into trouble.
K la k la.
It's my own fault for copying.
Urrggghhhh. FUCK.
Had cme, pg, english today.
Cme was all about International friendship day.
Was scolded again.
For staying back in class.
I hate my school system.
Why cant we just stay in class during recess.
Why must they force us to go to the canteen.
To smell the food? To eat? To crowd around? To smell the bad odour of pple?
Like... fuck.
I wuld rather stay in class to chit chat or do my own work.
Fuck the school system.
Everything seems to be opposing me.
The Juliana Theory is a good band.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006, 5:22 PM
Ahh, i screwed the chemistry test.
I guess im not the only one, most of my classmates got no idea what the test ppr is about.
Screw it.
I want to buy Jamison Parker's Sleepwalker album so badly.
Does anyone noe whr to find it?
Urghhh. )):
Thou dad is back, he going back on sunday again.
Sad sad.
Had dental visit today.
As usual, just washed and cleaned my teeth.
But this time round, the dentist hurt my gums, it bled.
Freaking dentist.
Many agreed tht he looks and sounds like a bapok.
Gay faggot.
Im going for the sports heats tmrw.
Hopefully i can at least get a medal.
Haven been getting any medals for quite some time.
I get to leave earlier for the sports heats.
At 11.20am.
So, i'll skipping a couple of classes.
Having my sneezing fit again.
Bloody hell.
This sucks.
Just close your eyes, Ill still live as if Im dyingIf I dont make your heart skip a beat then hate meIf I dont make you feel anything than its meSo sleep now, so deep in static Drifting in the shadowsJamison Parker is a good band.
Monday, April 03, 2006, 6:24 PM
I am on cloud 9.
So darn happy.
My dad's back!
And he promised to buy me a memory card.
Maybe a 512MB or 1G card.
Dashboard Confessional is a good band.
Marina South.
Sunday, April 02, 2006, 12:58 AM
I had my saturday woken up by jianming.
Woke me up from my fantasy island.
He called around 10am and said, "hey, peiling ask wanna go out anot.."
So, i said, "hmm.. anything lo.."
Peiling woke jianming up, then jianming woke me up, then i woke huiyi up.
So yea, we met at around at 130pm den went off to town/bugis.
Had a meal den decided to went off for pool.
An hour for $7.90.
But the atmosphere was perfect la. Worth the price.
I was teamed wif jianming while peiling was with huiyi.
And wheeeeeeee.. we won all of the games.
Peiling cant stop playing with the pool stick.
She used it to poke pple's ass.
After tht, we lepak outside the pool lounge.
Peiling kept whining tht she wants to go to geylang, to see the prosititues.
How can she find prosititues in the daylight? Lol.
So, we ignored her and left for shopping.
Shopped, joked, slacked around.
Then, me and huiyi went to took some neoprints.
Cos peiling doesnt want to waste her money, so only me and huiyi took.
But jianming contributed a dollar, so he took a shot. Hahaha.
Alright after tht, set of to marina south to have BBQ/steamboat.
Coincidentally, the restaurent's boss was jianming's uncle.
So we had a discount of $2.
Haha, shiok.
$10 - eat all you want!
But the drink's price are a killer.
One 1.5 litre of drink will cost you $3.50.
Cant blame the price la, tht's the only way the restaurent can earn money.
Morever, they provide shuttle bus service from Marina Bay MRT station to the restaurent itself.
Saved us on our bus fare.
Sound so budget ehh. Haha.
So we ate from 6.30 till 10pm.
Haha, we're such big eaters.
I cant stop myself from drinking the chicken soup. It's marvellous. Wahaha.
I had 6 to 8 bowls of it. Yummy..
Then had free ice-cream at the end of it.
Cos one person is entitled to a free ice cream.
While eating the ice cream, peiling made sacarstic and dirty remarks of how we lick or 'sucked' the ice cream.
Haha, she's always like tht, nth will change her.
Yeah, she did made me laugh till i had cry. Haha.
So left off.
Everyone started to smell something very very stinky.
We started smelling everyone's body.
And it actually came from peiling's handbag.
The smell is really terrible.
Imagine.. chicken soup+crab+prawn+fishballs+veggie+snail+sea cucumber+egg+sotong+lotsa food................................
Everyone kept avoiding peiling, all of us couldnt stand the smell la.
I reached home at around 1120pm.
Got nagged by my sis once again, as usual.
Washed my face, bathed, brushed my teeth.. and here i am.
Photos and neoprints:

Huiyi, Me and Jianming. Once again, i present the rock wannabes, with a newly added member - Jianming. Haha.

Obscene? Ha.. think again.

It's april's fool.

Ehhh.. Huiyi and me? Haha.

Peiling, Huiyi and Jianming playing pool.

Cos taking reflections are cool. Hehe.

No comments.

Huiyi and me.

Try putting yourself in our shoes, can u understand the pain and how we feel?
Goodbye fellas.
I wanna hit my dreams now.
Senses Fail is a good band.