Sports day.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 5:18 PM
Had sports day today.
Met xq and hy in the morning, den jm called, so met him as well.
Went over to yew tee to meet the rest of classmates, then walked to the stadium tgt.
This yr's sport's day is boring!
Mohegan did only like. 3 cheers? and tht's all.
Last yr was more hardcore, frm the start to end, we were cheering non stop.
Maybe after we have cheer leaders then they lessen the cheers.
But! Mohegan's cheerleaders perfomance was damn damn damnx10 cute can!
All the cutie pies. Omg everything is like perfect/co-ordinated/cute lah.
I forgot to video it down! So damn cute can!?
The song plus everything...........
One word - Cute!
Hahaha, lakota won this yr again.
And yucks, arrogant lah. X)
Lalala, but Mohegan's still the cheerleading champion.
For 3rd time.
And so, i didnt run today, haha!
I kept my fingers crossed hoping tht my name wont be called, if not i'll be running.
Yeah baybehhh.
So, sat at the stadium with xq and hy.
Had the good ol' days chat.
Had 'sun-tan' thr as well. Haha.
I actually won a trophy.
But didnt went down the trophy stand to claim it, cos i noe nth about it at all.
It was during the inter-house games. I took part in the power ball.
So, me and my team managed to get 2nd/silver.
And yes, tht's how my trohpy came about.
Ahhhh.. k.
So, after everything, went to westmall to have lunch and to watch Scary Movie 4!
With xq and hy.
K it wasnt as funny as i thought of. Lame, but i just couldnt laugh out.
White chicks is seriously better than this.
I just find a few parts funny.
"owhhh.. my eye....."
"mistibushi.. honda, toshiba! hitachi? sushi.. sashimi!!"
More to a "stupid movie" i think. :D
K, then went home.
Flying Blind is a good band.
Emily the Strange.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006, 9:29 PM
My ex-neighbours just came over and they bought me this:

How hot is tht?
They bought it online.
And the shipping itself cost US$30++.
Plus the tee shirt costs around US$30 - 40++.
A bomb! And i'm loving it.
They kept saying the emily on the tee looks alot like me.
Esp when i wear a hat.
Hahaha, maybe it's the shape of my face lah.
The sincerity plus everything made me love the tee alot.
They're one of the few tht dotes on me alot.
Esp during my bday.
I got a roxy bag frm them 2 yrs ago.
And another bag frm them some yrs ago.
, 8:27 PM
Okay, school has started/reopened.
And it sucks big time.
'Sucks big time' - haha, i wont forget this sentence.
Bcos of tht sentence i almost got myself withdrawn from the school.
Bcos on the notice board i wrote, "emit gib skcus evorgllih'
Haha, try to break the code.
Ahhh.. whatever.
School is like, study, sleep, talk, laugh, home.
I hate my school system seriously.
Totally nonsensical.
Imagine, you were at the toilet answering mother nature's call.
And then u walk out of the toilet, some mdm shouts, "stop right thr, gimme your name and class, go down to the detention room to report now!"
How Ridiculous is tht?
And then i'm served detention during recess for a week.
Wtf is tht all about?
And yes, if i get gastric, the school's gonna be responsible.
And ever since this yr, they've been inviting barbers to the school.
We have hairchecks every now and then.
Too long? We'll have to go to the barber.
They charge $5, not free.
Still got mirror and a plastic cloth to cover your body somemore.
Tmrw's sport's day.
And i'm running for the 4x100m relay - the passing baton one lah.
I feel like doing something.
Something like....................
My fren is behind me to collect the baton frm me, then i say, 'neh neh ni poo poo u cannot catch me, catch me first den i pass u the baton.. lala la la'
Purposely run as slow as possible. Or make a fake fall/injury.
Okay, nonsense i know.
Cos i really dun feel like running.
But i'm forced to.
The Hives is a good band.
Wei Na's birthday.
Monday, June 26, 2006, 4:48 PM
So, 2 days ago, on the 24th of june, me, hy, xq celebrated weina's 16th birthday in advance at the Botanic Garden. (okay, i feel like i'm doing a summary).
K, so, hy and xq made sushi for her, as our intention was to picnic thr.
Morning, met hy earlier first, went to buy some tibits to bring along.
Went over to mac to sit for awhile, after tht went over to the mrt station to meet the rest.
I feel so outcasted lah. Cos, all of em dress like they were going to town and i dress like, hmm.. i'm going hiking. Ahhhh.. wtf, haha.
K, so took the bus thr, and the soya sauce freaking spilled on my white shorts which made it so obvious. But nvm.
Reached thr at around 1pm? or so.
Then found a lil hut and settled down, laid the mat and we picnic-ed. Lol.
Then, saw the swans, listen to songs, chat, camwhore.
Then, went to the park to explore more.
The place is beautiful, i must say.
K, i shall let the photos do the talking.
I'm just lazy lah. Hehe :D

Outside mac.

Hy claims tht this her fav pic of the day, cos she looks good in it. Yea.

On the bus and when boredom strikes.

Botanic garden.

The swan.

The Birthday Girl - Eng Wei Na! Oh.. 16 btw.

The awesome foursome. K, i look like i jus woke up.

It's picnic time!

Ehh ehh, i look like a yoga teacher. hahaha.

Weina the bday girl asks if u want some?

Hy likes to wrestle with me, but this one is disgusting loh. Hahaha.

Hy likes to treat me like her doll.

Xq, me and hy.

Ehh.. wtf? I was yawning lah.

Looks real to you? But N-O, no, i'm strrraight okay!

They both love this pic, of cos lah, im the photographer mar. haha, kiddin'

When black changes to white, when white changes to black and when green changes to purple.

K, lemme explain this. It was raining and then we ran to a shelter to wait for the rain to stop, and so, i decided to play with hy's hair. Haha! Hy the paul twohill.
Ehh, seriously la, i see bengs trying to have the hair-flipping thingy going on.

I can see fats.

Hy's photography, looks eerie thou.

So, is this a female or male toilet uh?

Xq looks so bitchy in this. Hahaha.

K, i look like i macam going hiking liddat.
Tht's all, but we took a total of more den 240++ photos.
No, i'm not going to post all. It's a tedious job.
And some of the photos are in antique/negative mode due to my phone's mode.
Me and hy just love the antique mode :D
K, so left at around dinner time.
Went to westmall to have dinner with xq and wn, then met eddie.
Hy left us for dinner as she has family dinner.
Then ate, walked around the went home.
Yupyup, school has reopened today.
Some sitting arrangements changed.
Now i'm sitting beside hy and linda.
And i reached school, everyone asked me, "ehh you got do the eng/math/geog... homewrk?"
And most of my answers were, "ehhh, same i also nvr do *hi5* haha"
Haha, it's always like tht lah.
It sucks when my family practices favourtism.
I hate it.
AFI is a good band.
Saturday, June 24, 2006, 1:02 AM
And so, i missed Youth Gone Wild.
Reason? Simple, cos my hmmm.. besties, turn down last min.
Oh well, what can i say? Just plain disappointment and sad.
I've been like looking forward to this day, and...................
Cant possibly ask me to go wif sharifah, thou she's the everything-steady-lah girl.
Cos, ehhmm.. no topic to talk about lah.
So, no point in going also. No fun.
Moreover, the bands performing are like, ehh.. not nice, for being polite?
Idk, over 4000 over pple? Too crowded for me.
And the whole hall is a mosh pit.
Oh well, i hope thr's a better gig/concert for me in the future.
Thr'll be chances.
Or maybe not.
Idk lah.
K, i'm staying up to watch Togo vs France ltr at 2.30am.
Since, i couldnt sleep.
Woodale is a good band.
Hi 5 and Barney.
Thursday, June 22, 2006, 5:00 PM
Okay, bloody hell.
I can memorise the whole of Hi-5 and Barney's song alrdy.
Bcos the kid at my hse tht my mom looks after cant stop playing the vcd.
I can sing the Hi 5 theme song - Imagine.
Something like this:
Imagine this, imagine this, imagine you're a star singing on the stage, lalala.Hear the crowd applaud, what a great reward.........And Barney teaches me to take turns playing wif toys.
Wtf, okay, tht's just retarded.
Hi-5 is a good band. (hahaha!)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 4:32 PM
K, so yesterday, went out wif hy to get weina's present.
Bought a lil something something for here. (:
Went to marina sq to get it.
Then shopped around the area till we got nth to do.
Saw bowling, so went in and play for a game, then we left.
And then boredom strikes, cos it's still early and thr's nth to do.
So, went over to esplanade to lepak, cos it's the nearest and best place for us to lepak.
But having mats disturbing us and minahs shouting like giler babis spoilt our day.
But, we moved away frm them and changed a spot.
Then, we saw 'hardcore' pple. They were really hardcore lah.
Just imagine non-stop lock lip-ing? And i really meant
K, then, camwhore happens. We took 130++ photos f.y.i.
Haha, cant blame when thr's like 2 cameras around with 1GB of space.
Ahhhhh.. let the photos and videos do the talking.

Let's start with natural first.

See, we were really bored lah.

Thr, the hardcore pple, i tink they thot we were taking photos of em then they changed their make-out spot. hahahaha.

Hy the model.

This is nice, i like.

The simple life of angeline richie? lmao.

She got tht viva la bam thing going on.

Everybody wants to be a rock star.

Hy the undertaker.

Me as the undertaker.


Some flexibilty and no butt cracks!

Bestie arms around... ?

Whispers of joy in times of melanchoey.

Like model sehh. haha.
For video,, something's wrong with the code.
Best Interest is a good band.
New Skin.
Monday, June 19, 2006, 7:12 PM
Yupyup, as you can se if you're not a blind, a new skin.
And i stole it! Not exactly stole, i just changed it.
The theme initially wasn't Family Force 5.
And now, the theme is Family Force 5.
I'm just satisfied with my own work.
Anyways, is Chris Brown kinda like short tounge or something?
Sorry to all those C.Brown lovers.
But after hearing 'yo' by him, i just think he might be a lil' short tounge or something.
His pronounciation is bad.
Ho ho ho.
Okay then, bye.
Thursday is a good band.
Sunday, June 18, 2006, 10:50 PM
I wanna watch SCARY MOVIE 4.
Die die also wanna watch, cos i laughed till i cried when i watch the trailer.
I want i want, cant wait lahhhhhh.
K, watched x-men: the last stand ystd with my sis.
It was awesome lah, i've always been a fan of x-men.
Some pple say not nice.
Cos, you have to stay after the show is over, after all the credits.
Thr is a short clip behind tht makes pple's mind run wild.
It's something like this.............
A nurse walks into a ward, "............hello, good morning".
A man lying on the med, "good morning".
Then, :O :O :O
The nurse said, "................ Charles?"
The end.
Those who watched will noe wad i'm talking about lah.
Oh oh.
Bfore the movie.
I walked past the Scary Movie 4 poster.
Then thr's this kinda-like caucasian kid looking at it and he said, "Wh-wh what's so scary bout tht?"
HAHAHAHA. Cute lah.
And yes, it's true, thr's nth scary about the poster.
It's a "Scary" movie. Scary, really scary u noe.
Hahaha. In a sacarstic manner.
The Feeling is a good band.
Friday, June 16, 2006, 9:13 PM
This is for you, this is what u want ahhh.


Nah, huiyi sexy.

I look like a mouse.


We were really thr to study lah, you gotta believe me. HAHAHA.

Arent my eyes beautiful?

Spongebob Squarepants yo.

Natural for once.