A rountine.
Monday, July 31, 2006, 3:42 PM
I don't really feel like updating.
So, anyway, home is getting quieter and quieter each day.
With dad not around, sis working, sis studying.
Then only left me and mum. But me and mum also like no topic liddat.
So it's pretty quiet.
The only thing tht's making sound is the radio. -.-
School's pretty much the same.
It's like the same routine.
Wake up, go to sch, study, sleep during recess in class, study again, then go home.
Walk home everyday with pritpal and jm and the same things happen over and over again.
Then they'll start to play some childish-god-noes game while i walk behind knowing nth.
Yeah, so i reach home, turn on the tv, bath and use the comp.
I think i'm not the only one having this kind of life anyway.
Some are worst.
I wonder how linda survive.
She sits beside me and she can not talk for the whole day.
But sometimes i'll initiate to talk her laa.
She's a good girl.
K, damn. This is seriously a boring post.
I feel like deleting, but nvm.
Sigh, something happened, it was painful(emotionally) but.............. it takes time.Flying Blind is a good band.
What's wrong now?
Thursday, July 27, 2006, 5:48 PM
I might as well be a mute if life goes on like that.
I understand.
Oh well. Can't help it.
I just can't really tahan any longer. Seriously.
So yea.
Lessons as per normal. Once again, had mock ppr.
Sick and tired alrdy. Really.
After school, had extra mt lessons with mdm khong.
Did Listening comprehension.
Then, after tht, jm accompanied me to wm to get the stupid mt workbook.
Got pen.. etc as well.
Notice. The name is jm. Not the other name.
The other name tht always appear here.............................
So, yeah. You noe.
Oh well oh well.
Jm was really kind enuff to accompany me to wm. If not i'll be a loner going alone.
He's my best fren, not anything more than tht.
The Postal Service is a good band.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 4:15 PM
My life sucks, seriously. That explains why i havent blog for more than a week.
Cos thr's nth to blog about everyday.
Unless, you want me to blog the same damn thing over and over again everyday.
Which, i won't.
Thinking about it.
I ask myself every morning when i wake up, 'Today is a new day. Hmm.. do i have anything to look forward to today?"
Majority of the answers are, 'Nope, it's going be another boring and dreadful day."
Maybe it bcos of the arrival of N lvls..?
But it doesn't seem like the answer.
Thinking about it.
Like what i've said, i like to dig up my past alot. Or rather, i like to recall my past.
Thinking back, i realised, the things i've said, i've done are just simply, stupid.
Simple word it may be, but stupid explains it all. Or maybe, meaningless.
I had a period of sadness, or some may call it emo-days, with hy.
Things weren't going well for us bfore.
I recalled, the things i've done to her, the thing's i said to her, the way i treated her.
Oh well, not totally stupid, but somehow somewhat.
When i recall the stupid things i've done, i really feel like stabbing myself wif a dagger.
I carved a star on my arm and eventually got found out by my sis.
And she was like, 'are u in a cult or something?'
And she was going to send me for counselling.
Thinking about it now, yea, it's not the right way to express my feelings.
I used to tell myself, 'The pain will only be thr for a short period of time, just tahan. The aftermath will be beautiful.'
was how i expressed my feelings. Stupid, foolish, silly you may call me.
But i don't really do it now.
I'm not trying to think like a 20 or 30 odd adult.
But, it makes sense doesn't it.
I hardly cry in reality which explains why i cry in my dreams.
I learnt the hard fact of blogging.
I, we, blog bcos we want pple to know how our life is like.
That's the thing.
If you're those who's like complaining, 'don't like den don't read my blog laa. it's my blog, i write how i feel, you don't have to care'.
You might as well create a private/personal blog rather than a public blog.
Tht is what i'm going to do sooner or later. To create a private blog.
I envy those who have things/events to look forward to everyday.
They can blog about what happened every min.
Like, adelene. She blogs about what happened every lesson.
Like, finaaa. She have events to look forward to every weekend. She has a very very wide circle of frens.
Friends, i don't rank my friends.
But, i have very few close ones. Close ones meant the ones who spend most of his/her time wif me/you.
In fact, i only have one or two or three. That's all.
Losing one might be like a meat cut off from me.
But being a blog-hopper. I'm curious how pple's life is like.
So, it's the same thing.
I blog for other's curiousity.
Or, i blog what i wanna say.
K, idk if what i've said actually make sense.
Sometimes, when i'm like mabok, i anyhow blog.
What comes to my mind, will be written/typed here.
I guess life only has one thing for me to look forward to now.
Studies loh.
I'm all drained with mock pprs everyday.
It has been like this for a few months.
And for the next few months, i'll be drowned. Tht is what N lvls is all about.
Like tht also cannot tahan, how you gonna survive in O lvls? I told myself. Or i might not even be able to smell the pprs of O lvls.
Tell me tell me now, does my life sucks?
Ha ha ha.
Only some days are worth looking forward to.
Like, ystd.
Spent my after school with jm, pritpal, hy and jasper.
Watched Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest.
It was awesome. Mostly humor.
Captain Jack Sparrow aye!?
Some other thoughts are better left unsaid.
Yes, i'm being a
bitch i noe.
I know.
Death Cab For Cutie is a good band.
Childhood memories.
Monday, July 17, 2006, 5:44 PM
I just came back frm blowing bubbles at my doorstep.
Was blowing bubbles for yiting, den she jumps around happily as if i've blown out money.
Hahaa no laa, i love playing bubbles. I blew it out of my window and it's a beautiful sight. Picture perfect.
Pple below my hse playing basketball/soccer/passer-bys was like, 'whr do those bubbles come frm?'
Brings back me my childhood memories.
Anyways, just now N lvl oral briefing got one teacher speak like tht ahhh:
dunch breeng your hand-fone tcu the aseembrry hrall okay?
if nawt you cannawt take the essam.
K la, i shouldnt laugh laaa. :D
It's bad to laugh at pple. I noe, i noe.
But ahhh.. cannot tahan.
Then, me and hy have to tahan and refrain from laughing.
So pple frm behind looking might saw us 'vibrating' instead.
The Reindeer Section is a good band.
Sunday, July 16, 2006, 4:42 PM
Me and hy had a plan.
A plan to change our hairstyle tht no girls have.
Moe hawk, tht is.
Hahahaha. Ehh.. moehawk has always been my wanted hairstyle for a long time.
By then, we will rock the school.
We will rock the society, we will rock singapore, we will become rockstars.
But seriously, we have made a deal to cut it.
So, one day, u see any 2 girls on the streets with moehawk, it might just be us.
If i really have a moehawk, i wont really spike it.
Just leave it as it is, maybe push everything to one side.
Just one lil' concern about getting moehawk - we might be labelled as butch.
Another thing is, idk if hilly allows moehawk for girls.
Zomg omg, my moehawk dream is about to come true.
One day one day, some day..................................................
Pearl Jam is a good band.
Baybeats 2006.
Saturday, July 15, 2006, 2:09 AM
Just came back frm Baybeats'06.
Super duper tired laa. My eyes are half-opened.
No energy to type.
I'll just summarise the day.
Had school in the morning.
Then rushed home after sch to bath, change and went to meet hy and jm at gombak.
As usual, i'm alwayyyyyys the earliest cos i hate to be late.
And bfore going home, i told hy, 'ehh.. if u got ready earlier than 230 den u come my hse meet me first la.......'
Then she said okay.
But 230 alrdy, she's not here, so i left.
Then reached thr both were late.
Jm reached at 245.
Then hy tht silly girl went to my hse instead.
Waited for her till it was 300 la.
K, so took mrt thr, then went to have lunch at yoshinoya in marina sq.
Ate, walked around, then went off to esplanade.
Walked around took some photos.
Waited for time to strike 730pm.
Then sat at the chillout stage to watch Kenneth Ishak perform acoustic.
And his band, Beezewax was just sitting behind us. Woahh..
After tht, went over to the booths.
Cos we were desprate to get the baybeats lanyard.
And i bought 2 of my motorola phones just to get the free lanyard if u show ur motorola phone.
But, when we reached the booth, finished.
Sad, really sad lar.
But still we decided to buy it.
Just buy a Baybeats 2006 poster and we'll get one lanyard free.
And tht poster costs 5 bucks. But got free lanyard, ala.. just buy laa.
Me, hy and jm got one each.
Then after tht, jensen reached.
Went to makan sutra, jm wanted to eat.
Then, went to The Arena to watch West Grand Boulevard perform.
With lead vocalist Daphane Khoo from sg idol '04.
Their's started at 9pm.
Hmm.. nt bad lah, they're quite good and famous.
Jason came just in time to meet us.
Again, we were lucky to stand in the first row.
Right infront of a huge bass.
And i could feel the bass like, everywhr in my body.
Even my heart. Then my hair starts to jump.
Climax. Hahahhaa.
So during one part of their performance, one song tht was quite headbanging, made the crowd mosh.
Haha, just right behind of us.
And me and hy got pushed and kicked.
Then staright away security guards ran into the mosh pit and grab one person out.
Strrrrrraight away.
So damn fast la. Everything was like zoom zoom zoom.
Moshing is not even allowed in the first place.
The security this yr is damn tight. Very.
Even the photographers get scoldings.
They were instructed to squat to take the photos.
Cannot stand, cos i tink they'll be blocking pple or something.
Strict sia.
And so, after everything, i was half deaf.
After the performance, i was screaming 'i cant hear myself'.
Hahaha. And i felt like i'm screaming instead of speaking.
Went over to marina again to have dinner.
Dined at BK, but din eat.
First, jm's mum called, his mum wants him back home early. -lasted for around 1 min.
Next was me, my mum called and ask wad time i heading home and she told me cab fare will be 50% charge after midnight, so ask me back early also. -lasted for less than a min.
And lastly was hy, her sis called me cos she got no hp, and then she got the worst of the worst. -lasted for more than 5 mins i tink.
Pity us. All got curfew.
So.. took away macdonald and headed home with jm and hy first.
Jason and jensen wanted to stay for Love me butch.
We all wanted to stay alot la, but cant, so yea.
And going out with jason, jensen, jm and hy is hella fun.
They just like to disturb pple/strangers Alot.
Esp Jason! (ehh.. jason reads my blog) hahaha.
You naughty naughty boy.
Left esplanade at around 1115pm.
And reached home at around 12am.
And now, i cant even open my eyes properly.
I'm all weak alrdy.
Will update photos when i'm free.
So goodnightttttttttttt.
All Time Low is a good band.
Fed up/fucked up.
Thursday, July 13, 2006, 6:09 PM
One word describes my situation best now - Fed up. (okay 2 words tht is, ahhh whatever it is)
This all all i'm gonna say, i dont care if you dun understand me.
Staying silent doesn't mean idk what's going on.
One more time, just once. You'll see how i react.
I won't be the everything-also-just-laugh angeline anymore.
I would say, try me.
Tht has alrdy made me fucked up enough.
And now, my MMC is increasing the temperature.
So was ystd a Motorola-crisis-day?
Coincidentally, my E398 and my Razr v3x was down.
Not only tht, it corrupted my 512mb card.
All my songs, videos, photos are gone. Cb.
Nvm, daddy will be back on sunday, i'll pester him to buy him a new one.
Sigh sigh.
Why is the world crumbling down on me?
What in the hell did i do wrong huh?
I didnt speak much today, cos you noe what? I'm not supposed to.
Fuck laa.
I did spoke more after school when i was jocelyn, pritpal and jm.
They tried to cheer me up.
Pritpal and jm's the best laa.
They treated me green tea and 2 packets of a 1metre roll of sweet.
But still.................................
Baybeats starts tmrw.
Jm asked me to go tmrw, nadia is going on sat.
So which day should i go?
I bet this yr is gonna be so damn crowded than last yr. Sure got alot of mats and minahs.
Last yr's schedule was better than this yr's.
But this yr more foreign bands.
The Classic Crime is a good band.
Monday, July 10, 2006, 5:29 PM
One more thing yea, i'm super duper truper zuper buper guper in love with Amber Pacific.
And please! Dont make them famous. Please!
Sometimes, it's better to be unknown.
I didnt like amber pacific just today, it was ages ago.
They're good good goody goody good.
Tht's all! Bye.
Random post.
, 4:46 PM
I'll just have a random post, i'm not going to blog anything tht is in-to-details post anymre.
It's kinda scary when i have diff kinds of pple reading my blog.
So, it's better to keep things to myself now, or maybe i'll change a new blog.
But leh ceh ahhh.
Anyways, idk why i've been having more and more conflicts with classmates/friends.
Esp this yr.
It's kinda disappointing and disturbing thou.
Random post about school today:
Hmm.. started off with 3 periods of geog.
Did mock pprs again.
Shared with hy cos i din bring along mine, for the 2nd time.
Then it was english.
Went thru comprehension and formal writing.
And sian larrrh.. tmrw have mock ppr 1 again.
Then it was recess.
Stayed in class as usual, chit chatted, talked about the chalet thingy.
I seriously can't wait for the class chalet.
And somehow somewhat, Fina msged me and idk why we started talking about facial products.
After recess was physics.
And damn, went thru mock ppr again.
When can i ever stop blogging the word mock ppr. Hell.
Soon, it was mother tounge or aka story telling session.
I dont really like it somehow. -.-
Lastly, it was poa.
Aloy said this, "wah piang eh, wear panty also wear until so tight, can see the shape of your butt alrdy loh, somemore can see the panty-line also, disgusting leh."
Hahaha, seriously lah, bfore tht me and hy alrdy noticed it, and it's really a disturbing sight lah.
Aloy is becoming more like a english-educated beng alrdy.
He had oral today and thrfore he was supposed to be released earlier for break, so he shouted this to mrs tai. "ehh.. bitch, i got oral lah."
Then i ask him to shout louder.
And he went, "ehh..
BITCH i got oral lah!"
But mrs tai being the-always-deaf-and-cannot-hear-you didnt heard him.
Mrs tai seriously need hearing aid.
Ask every classmate and they'll agree, when u call her, you must shout at least 3-4 times, at least and it must be
After school, went to have lunch with hy and jm as usual but w/o pritpal today cos he's absent.
On the way thr, had some lame videos.
I was walking on the road like some nerd. Then one ah beng walked towards me and bang me.
Then fight. K, lame. It's lame tht's why im not elaborating it.
Anyways, i dont like using the words, Lame and Crap/craps/crappy.
Idk why............
It's just like............ eeeee.. dont like luh.
Cont on lunch.
Hmm.. today was more of like a budget lunch.
Cos surprisingly/coincidentally, the 3 of us forgot to bring pocket money.
So each person only has around 2 bucks, xcept for hy.
So we just ate pratas at Alif.
Eat eat, munch munch, slurp slurp, haha haha, hehe hehe, talk talk then went home.
Oh! bfore tht, i received a phone call frm
some bangla.
He was like, "yuanneh pralikem woondou neh neh boondu............"
So i just replied back with all of my bangla-knowledge.
I went like, "phudi phudi? suni suni!... ooh! bfboiwfh uefhuifj weoiuod ijhioewhfiof hbfdoiwehfio"
Then i hung up.
Yea, it was
some familiar bangla ahhhh. Lol.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs is a good band.
Friday, July 07, 2006, 5:06 PM
50 Cent - Massacre
Ashlee Simpson - Autobiography
Black Eyed Peas - Elephunk
Black Eyed Peas - Monkey Business
Blink 182 - Ennema Of The State
Blink 182 - Take off Your Pants and Jacket
Britney Spears - Greatest Hits (My Prerogative)
Coldplay - X & Y
Destiny's Child - Destiny Fulfilled
Fall Out Boy - From Under the Cork Tree
Fall Out Boy - Take This to Your Grave
Finch - Say Hello To Sunshine
Fort Minor - The Rising Tied
From First To Last - Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Body Count
Good Charlotte - Good Riddance
Good Charlotte-The Chronicles of Life and Death
Gorillaz - Demon Days
Green Day - American Idiot
Green Day - International Superhits!
Green Day - Shenanigans
Green Day - Bullet In A Bible
Gwen Stefani - Love, Angel, Music, Baby
Hot Hot Heat - Elevator
James Blunt - Back to Bedlam
Jet - Get Born
Keane - Hopes and Fears
Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway
My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
Oasis - Don't Believe the Truth
Panic! At The Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
Robbie Williams - Greatest Hits 2004
Simple Plan- Still Not Getting Any
Simple Plan - No Pads, No Helmts, Just Balls
Sugarcult - Palm Trees and Power Lines
Sugarcult - Start Static
Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler
Sum 41 - Chuck
Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends
The All American Rejects - Move Along
The Rasmus - Hide From The Sun
The Rasmus - Out Of The Shadow
The Used - In Love and Death
Weezer - Make Believe
Yellowcard - Lights and Sounds
The Vines - Vision Valley
The above are the albums i have in my comp. Mwahahaha.
K and idk why i'm posting this.
I'm so arrogant rite, so haolian. X)
Hahahaha. No lah, holla me if u want any of the above, i can send you.
Baybeats on 14-16 july.
Hmmmm.. shld i go?
Paramore is a good band.
Cristiano Ronaldo cried.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 9:40 PM
Boo ya. Portugal lost to France.
I woke up at 3am just now just to watch the match but it brought me sad news :(
Cristiano cried once again. He always cry when he dont win a match.
The referee/refree(sp?) kelong again ahhh.
So, hopefully they'll get the 3rd place.
Slept for just a few hours, and woke up reluctantly, as usual.
I had a friggin' weird dream.
I was a heroine, i saved a young boy frm falling down frm a million steps of stairs.
And i realised tht my hse has several secret pathways tht leads to another world.
Fantasy/advanterous dream again.
& lately, i've been seeing things.
'Dirty things' - ehh.. not porn ahhh.
But seriously, it was all scary.
I won't describe further.
Hy said it's my fringe tht causes me to see things.
She said my fringe shouldn't cover my eyebrows. Isst true?
And then, i ponder and wonder.
School, as usual.
Hmm.. Miss Toh changes her mood very fast.
AND damn! For these 2 yrs, Mrs Tai would nvr ever allow me to go to the toilet.
NEVER. Not just me, she doesnt allow anybody to go.
And for tht, few of my classmates have gotten into trouble for running out of the class for no permisson.
Ehhmm.. we have to answer mother nature's call, so is tht a crime?
If i cant hold my bladder, i would just walk out of the class, tht's it.
If it werent for the last period of the day, i would have walked out of the class.
And i have photos today.
Hahaha. Childish acts.

And this is so not Spongebob sq pants k. This is angelyi-gochi. Hahaha.

I choose you.

My hand - hy drew this.

Hy's hand - i drew this.
K, this is all so out-of-point.
Wakefield is a good band.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006, 4:43 PM
I restricted myself from talking in school. And ehh, dont ask me why.
I have my own reasons for it.
It's kinda hard actually.
Seriously, school's a total bore.
Lemme recite my everyday routine.
Ehh.. fast forward la.
For today:
First lesson, pe. Hmmm.. it was kinda like, self-spent.
Only played powerball, whr i feel so tall.
Then, sat thr doing nth, staring into the thin air.
Then, it was English.
Miss toh was going thru the oral tips and stuffs.
So listen listen abit and after tht had mock pprs again!
Miss toh said, i'ma very confused person.
Yea, why am i not? True.
Then it was recess, crapped around with pritpal and jm.
Punk'd pple by telling them the chalet thingy was cancelled.
We wrote on the whiteboard, "Chalet cancelled", "Insufficient money", "Money collected will be donated to the children suffering frm AIDS" and dots dots dots...
K, it was lame, seriously.
Then chemistry, chaos.
Miss wang like fucked-up sia. The face like cannot tahan alrdy. Hahaha.
Then jm and pritpal made fun of the couple behind us, cant stop laughing so........
Then, MT, ughh, it sucks.
Got tons of homewrk she's been chasing after undone.
Then had chinese composition writing.
I wrote only like, half a page? Didnt manage to finish.
Insufficient time lah, and she wants it by the end of 40 mins, so what can i do?
Lastly, cme, chatted.
Then went home.
Ehh, i lead a boring life.
Ehh, i lead a lonely life.
Ehh, i lead a restricted life, when my family restricts me frm doing what i have interest in.
And this is so not emo! -To prevent misunderstandings.
Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination.
And when he snores, tht's what we call a dinosaur sensation.
Barney's friends are big and small.
They come from lots of places, after school they meet to play and sing with happy faces.
Barney shows us lots of things.
Like how to play pretend, ABC's, and 123's.
And how to be a friend.
Barney comes to play with us.
Whenever we may need him.
Barney can be your friend too.
If you just make-believe him!
Actually ahhh, the theme song is quite nice lah.
And the theme song is now my sms ring tone!
Brings back memories from my old childhood days.
The Hush Sound is a good band.
World Cup.
Monday, July 03, 2006, 2:08 PM
2 days ago, was at my ex-neighbour's house watching the world cup.
Watched Portugal vs England and France vs Brazil.
All the while i've been supporting Portugal lah.
Obvious rite, cos Cristiano Ronaldo is in the team. Hehehahahoho ho.
And yes! Portuagal won England by penalty, 3-1.
I saw Rooney shouting "fuck off" after he got a red card.
The France vs Brazil match was shocking thou.
France won Brazil by 1 goal.
Brazil is out, w/o even entering the semi-finals.
So, reached home at around 5.30am.
Then, went off to bed and woke up at 2.30pm.
If my stomach weren't growling, i could have woken up at least at 4 or 5pm.
Anyway, this year's grad nite will be in school?
Wtf. Hahaha, this is totally crap man.
Miss siew said bcos last yr, none of the students took the initiative to thank any of the teachers.
So now what?
We have to clean up the shit the seniors left behind?
As a punishment/result, our grad nite would be held in school.
No air con, no beautiful surroundings?
Eat what? Canteen food ar?
This is stupid/riduculous/makes-no-sense at all.
And it costs 10 bucks per student.
Miss siew even said, it's compulsory, she said, if we dont go, we wont be able to collect our N lvl results.
What shit is tht man.
Bring it on dudes/dudettes. No such thing as we wont be able to collect our N lvl results lah pls.
So what's tht? A threat for us ehh?
We're not taking in what you pple are saying.
Unless, unless unless, the theme is Animal Costume or Halloween.
Then, maybe i'll go. Hahaha.
Cos some say it's Retro.
Retro is oh-so-boring la.
Some say vintage?
Also boring lah.
More over, majority of my classmates arent going.
Well, count me out too.
Another issue: Class Chalet.
Ahhh, i simply cant wait for this.
As one of the organisers, it's not a easy job at all.
When some pple are like, "ehh.. dunno leh, he/she go then i go loh."
Or, "my da jie/da ge (big bro/big sis) go then i go loh."
Wth? After some arguments and talking sense to them, we got quite a no of pple going for it.
I have the responsibilty to book the chalet.
It would be 4days 3 nights @ downtown east.
2 rooms - boys one, girls one.
BBQ on the first night.
(daily meals might be provided)
Miss siew sponsering - $100.
Staying for bbq only - $20.
Staying overnight - $25.
(main organisers are willing to pay more)
Okay, those were for the students of 4a1 lah.
The Explosion is a good band.
Saturday, July 01, 2006, 4:20 PM
Watched superman ystd with my sis, weiquan and ken.
Ehmm.. not bad lah. Not really tht nice, but not tht really bad also.
Superman is jean+cyclops+iceman+pyro+xaiver+angel.
Not fair sia, he got all the power X-men has.
Hahahahaha, told ya, i'ma X-men freak.
& my dream-to-be mutant would be Mystique.
Wahahaha! She's hot and powerful.
Mystique has the ability to shift the atoms and molecules in her body to change appearance as a result can look and sound exactly like any human of either sex including finger and voiceprints.
But too bad she lost her powers in the end.
Bcos she saved magneto tht bastard.
K, i bet no one understands me.
Weezer is a good band.