I'm timid.
Monday, August 28, 2006, 11:36 PM
I'll just start a normal post for today.
K, morning.
Was almost almost late.
Was striked with combo again.
Woke up late, had tummy-ache, bad hair day.
Damn. When will my stomach stop giving me probs every morning..!?
Reached school, just in time.
So told hy a quarter of my unhappiness.
Then had some misunderstandings so didnt talk till like the end of the day.
Slowly, we chatted and stuffs.
(I wanna try how my classmates blog, every lesson. Today, i'll try.)
K, here it goes.
First, 3 periods of geog.
Miss siew gave out a stack of notes.
Ehh.. then..?
Oh.. do map reading, which i certainly hate.
Asked around for help. And still, i'm unsure bout it.
K then, it was english.
First period, talked about the compre passage.
Then we came to this word "dictatorship" and bcos of this word it lead to topics like:
The british royal family.
Prince charles, princess diana... etc.
Salary. Money. Life & death. Retirement. Family. Chinese. China. Paris. Food, cheese... etc etc.
Like................... woah, and it took Miss Toh an hour to touch on tht.
Wonderful, amazing.. but i prefer her talking about hard facts of life rather than lessons.
Moreover, she has experienced what we are about to face in the future.
Oh ya, Miss Toh has the same belief as me.
Which is, we believe in retribution.
Oh yes, i do, certainly.
Alright alright.
Then it was recess.
Stupid. Was more like playing hide and seek with mdm khong sia.
Everytime like tht.
Then, it was physics.
Ehh.. boring shit.
Was doing the 10 yr-series again.
Next was mother tounge.
Got back my Prelim ppr.
And friggin' hell! I passed my overall sehhh.
I passed ppr 1 but failed ppr 2.
But overall i had a marginal pass.
And ehhh, i didnt study for it.
Seems like luck was on my side.
Hahahaa. K, i better not be complacent.
Lastly, it was poa.
What did i do during poa?
No idea..
Poa lessons always pass so fast.
After school, went to ava room to get back Social Studies ppr.
Only SBQ, i scored 11/25.
How bad. Passing social studies is gonna be like................... poof.
My hopes are lying on SEQ now.
Then after tht, talked to Mr Bangbang.
Then, went home.
Initially was with prit and jm.
Then, kinda quarrelled.
Jm asked me to fuck off.
So, i did.
And was pissed at them.
They went the other way, i went the other way.
They actually think i'll go back to find them, but no, i didnt i went straight home.
When i was a stone's throw away frm my home, prit ran over and asked me back.
He said please, please, and apologised.
But still, i didnt went back.
Like, ehhh.. you asked me to fuck off loh.
Why shld i go back? No way man.
K laa, now i'm cool alrdy.
Went home.
Then, went back sch again.
Reached at 4.30pm cos hy said she wants to have dinner at westmall.
So yea.
But................................. tht scene wasn't nice at all.
Aiyah. Nobody will understand.
It was then, i settled things out with hy.
At the kopitiam? lol.
Argued, understood, explained, clarify.... bla bla bla.
Then, shook hands and everything is settled.
I'm willing to get along, but does the other party willing to?I don't know.So after tht, headed to westmall to have mos burger.
Ate exactly of what we had the other day at bugis' mos. Hahhaa.
Then, reached school.
Elton and gang came over.
Settled down and did our work.
Then, they started talking about ghost story.
So everyone shared what they've experienced. Including me.
Then......... they told me something tht really made me trembled.
Until now............
I dont wanna blog about it.
I wanna go to bed now.
Forever In Fall is a good band.
Indecisive..? I guess so.
Saturday, August 26, 2006, 1:38 PM
My life is seriously all messed up.
School, family, friends and whatever shit laa.
My mood is definitely not good now.
Whoever bastards or bitches tht offend me now, don't blame me for being nasty.
Ya, as if anyone is actually afraid of me.
The wimpy past of me landed me in this state.
To them, i'm just a dust, as easy to be blown away.
I do this, you cry, you say i don't understand.
Who's the one behind all these, ask yourself.
As if you don't know.
Then i do that, you cry, bcos somebody behind is complaining.
So, tell me now, what in the fuck do you want me to do..?
I won't tolerate any longer laa.
Don't fucking say i never understand you.
I did.
And you still continue to say i never understand you.
Go ahead, do whatever you want.
I don't wanna be a control freak.
All this is being obvious, cos you noe what? I want you to noe.
I don't wanna be wimp to be keep it all to myself anymore.
I need somebody to talk to about you.
Who to?
Nobody would ever listen laa.
So, i talk to myself like a nutcase.
Nutcase..? Let it be then. I don't have the time to give it a damn.
It's all freedom of speech.
Scold me, hate me, badmouth me..
I would rather concentrate on studies now than worrying for other stuffs.
Do whatever you want. I let you have the chance.
But don't you ever cry and complain to me anymore.
Go and be with whoever you want.
Cos, i'm a ****** what.
* ***** ** *** **** ** *** **** ***** ******** ****.
Ya, some words better left unwritten.
I understood you, i let you do whatever you want, but in the end, what in the hell have i got back?
Nothing but worst.
Ask yourself, you understand me bfore?
And don't fucking ask me to put myself in your shoes.
Cos i've fucking placed myself in your shoes bfore.
Ehhhh.. i have had enough laa.
So monday in school, i'll be a different person.
Not to everyone. But to one or two.
Now, it's the time to let me do what i want.
I am still deciding whether i shld do
that to you.
But, it'll definitely be my last resort. I don't wanna do it.
But i feel like, i'm being forced to.
Oh, i bet someone will be darn happy after reading this right.
Like, duh.
Ya, i let you, you and you have the so-called happiness loh.
Yea, keep smiling.
Will someone please help me?
I need somebody to talk to, whoever will lend me their ear..?
I miss all the pple whom i could talk to last time.
They've been missing in action.
Pple like, Jerome - my bro. Luther. Muhd.
All of em seem to be missing in action.
Some are busy with their own life.
So yea. Tht's it.
I bet no one understands all the above. Only, one.
This post is only meant for me.
I guess it has been my habit to vent my anger/sadness/happiness on my blog alrdy.
I'm not asking for alot, i just need someone,something to tell what i'm feeling.
The Sounds is a good band.
Things are getting weird.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006, 4:38 PM
At the age of 13, parents sent me to this place.
The place looks like a jail, it's all fenced up.
First day, i ask myself, "why is everybody wearing the exact same shirt and skirt as me..?"
I began to throw tantrum.
I shouted, "ehh.. you damn posuer, why must you buy the same shirt and skirt as me..!?
And some pple starts to wear the same shoes like mine. Same colour somemore.
Ehh.. tht's actually, crap. But go think about it.
Yea yea yea. LOL.
K, today, i tried diet coke plus mentos.
The outcome was, nothing much, kinda boring and different frm what i saw frm on youtube and pple's comments.
So, ltr, i'm going to try again. Twist and turn abit. See if it'll suceed.
I'm going to try until i see water fountain. I don't care.
Experimental sia.
Then tsuhaw teach me, eat panadol then drink redbull. Then, i'll be mabok.
Ehhh.. tht sounds fun.
I'll try.. someday.
K now, going off for night studies.
I'll try the experiment later.
Morningwood is a good band.
Not dead, yet.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006, 4:44 PM
Back back back.
So hmm.. whr shld i start first.
Alright, just random, not in order laa.
So, this week had 3 prelim pprs.
Monday was mother tounge and omg it sucked.
K, the day bfore on sunday was sick.
After my bath, i felt bodyache then my feet went cold and headache.
Everytime when these symptoms come, i noe i'll be getting fever.
Haven't fell sick for quite some time, so yea.
No appetite for dinner, so lie on the sofa, slowly i began to heat up and the headache, wahlaoeh, fell like just firing a shot into my brain to kill the pain.
Seriously, it's the worst headache ever to happen to me. Cannot tahan.
I began to pull my hair and strain.
Forgot to take panadol bfore i go to bed. And fuck, didnt study for mother tounge ppr.
Slept, for an hour and was woken up by my headache again. Was sweating so damn much even with the aircon.
Continued my sleep for an hour, then woke up again, by my headache. Cannot tahan and started to pull my hair like those siaocharbo.
Flip and turn couldn't sleep well.
Woke up every hour.
I have this brain-automatic-1 hour-alarm clock system.
This happened not just once, but multiple times.
I'll wake up in the middle of the night every hour.
Exactly exactly, precisely, one hour, the first time, i freaked out.
But now, i'm kinda used to it. So yea.
Ahhhh back to topic.
So didnt sleep well.
Morning, felt so weak, hands cold, blablablablablaaaaa. & took a panadol.
Then, reached school, bfore the ppr starts took another one.
I feel no effect cos my headache was still thr.
Then after the ppr, took another one.
See, i was dying to kill the pain.
After tht, whr did i go..?
Okay, i forgot, seriously.
Ehh.. i remb.
I went to find mdm chan, ya. Cos i had social studies ppr today.
So approached her to gather some notes.
Ohh.. then after lunch, i took another panadol.
By then, i was dizzy alrdy and i felt efficiency. LOL.
Then went back to school to study with jm, hy and prit.
Stayed till 9pm in school, attended the night classes.
I guess everyone's feeling the pressure now. No more fun, kukus.
Headed home after tht.
Bathed and continued with ss.
At around 1 am,
Suddenly my eyebags began to swell. For god knows reason.
I shld have taken a pic of my eye.
It looked like i was kena punched for over a hundred times or looked like as if i cried non stop for weeks.
It was seriously gross. Imagine, a lump of whatever was in your eyebag.
And it happened to both my eyes. Picture it, pple.
Okay okay okay.
Studied till 3am. Then, i got this feeling. Not good. Like, uneasy laa.
So stopped, i looked at the clock, 3am. Doddles. I ponder.
I risked on social studies.
Out of 4 chapters, i studied only 2.
Cos, since SBQ - 1 ques. Let's take it tht, out of the 2 i studied, 1 of them will come out for SBQ.
Then surely, the other one i studied will come out for SEQ what.
This is, Strategy. K laa, what onlyyy. This is called Common Sense. Hahaaha.
And well, things turned out just like what i've strategised.
Lmao. (
Le' mao).Hahahaa.
After ppr, went over to mac with hy.
Waited for xq and wn to come.
And hell ya, i enjoyed the chats so damn much.
Cos we haven't had those chats for a damn long time, after many things tht have happened.
Good chats meant, first, you find one topic.
After the topic is done, we'll definitely have another one to cont.
And it'll be endless.
Flee The Sun is a good band.
Friday, August 18, 2006, 12:29 AM
Wheeeeeeee.. i just finished studying chemistry.
Okay, i must say, this is the first time in my sec life history to study for chemistry seriously.
And i must admit, every since sec 3 till now, i think i've only passed 1 or 2 pprs.
And my pass is like, 25.5/50..?
Jialat jialat.
K laa, at least now i made the effort to study for chem.
I think i should wear red undies tmrw. It'll bring me luck, rrrrrright..?
Juliette and The Licks is a good band.
Get along, can?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 5:46 PM
Why can't pple just fucking get along with each other?
What's the point of having conflicts?
Why can't pple just say, "okay, we're quits." and then continue with a handshake or a hug(better).
And then, everybody will be friends.
Be it classmates or friends.
Really sick and tired of seeing pple not getting along.
Especially in class.
Moreover, a friend more means an enemy less rrrright.
I don't see the point of having conflicts, it's pointless.
I really hate
arrogant pple.
The Junior Varsity is a good band.
Sunday, August 13, 2006, 5:47 PM
Sometimes, i realised, i'm kinda demanding and selfish and petty.
But i bet every soul on this earth has a lil' bit of this and that.
But hey, at least i realised i have those bad points.
Yes, nobody is perfect, everybody have flaws.
At least i dare to admit, unlike some bitches/bastards who kept denying.
I don't like living in self-denial.
Again, i would like to phrase, "Even the most perfect are nothing but sinners.."
I got thise phrase frm a church-guy. He was distributing this ppr-note in town.
I took, and he said, "Study hard, girl.."
Suddenly, i felt...................................................
Then i read and read the note he gave me again and again.
It's a story, by Harold Brenneman. Okay, i dont know who he is.
But it's a motivational story.
About jesus and stuffs.
"REMEMBER, good works done by Christ-rejectors and hypocrites are dead works in the eyes of God."System Of A Down is a good band.
Out of point.
Friday, August 11, 2006, 4:42 PM
This is for you. Yeah, you.
Do as I say not as I do because
The shit so deep you can't run away
I beg to differ on the contrary
I agree with every word that you say
Talk is cheap and lies are expensive
My wallet's fat and so is my head
Hit and run and then I'll hit you again
I'm a smart ass but I'm playing dumb
Standards set and broken all the time
K, pardon me.
I'm back to the old state again.
I'm going all tipsy and torvy alrdy.
The above may sound familar laa.
As Fast As is a good band.
National day eve.
Thursday, August 10, 2006, 1:37 AM
I'm late to update this post. But late is better than nvr laa.
On the national day eve:
Celebration in sch was kinda diff this year.
It was celebrated at Botanical gardens, yea.
And then. We were assigned to do some retarded quizs.
Which i actually did. Hahaa.
Hmmm..took pics thruout.
Then went over to the big field, to have picnic.
It was fun. Had food cooked by peiling's mum, snacks, music, class photos.. etc.
It was all nice laa.
But everything ended shortly.
Took the coach and headed back to school.
Then, hy had some probs with her guy.
Idk the reason cos she didnt tell me.
Bfore tht, we had plans to go Bugis.
Then i waited for her to settle her things.
Waited and waited.............................................
Then she insists on going to bugis.
Cos of some reasons.
So yea.
I had the responsibility to cheer her up.
So, we shopped around. And took neoprints.
Ahhh.. k la, our motive was to go bugis to take neoprint laa.
Cos we have been having the urge to take neoprint even days bfore.
Hahahaa. And i noe, cheering hy up is easy.
I noe diff ways to cheer her up. Lol.
Mmmmmmmmmkay, then.
While taking the neoprints, some primary sch-bitches keep opening the curtain to peep at wad we were doing inside the machine laa.
Ehhh.. i was fed up can?
Then i ask hy shout. She shout, "eh..!"
But they freaking do it again.
Then laughed laughed.
Fast forward.
So it was about time to go home.
Headed home after tht.
Chatted on the train alot.
Had those casual chats like, "if u could take something frm my body, wad wuld u take?"
Hy's answer: Your eyes. (hahaa, hy wants my eyes.)
My answer: Your dimples. (k la, hy's dimples are a die-for.)
At the end of the day, hy said something tht kinda surprised me.
She said, "hey angeline, thanks for brightening my day up.."
Awwwwwww :D :D :D
Yea, it's my honour and pleasure to do so laa.
Likewise, if any of my other frens were to be feeling down, i would do wad i can to cheer em up.
K, after tht, rushed home.
Had a quick bath, changed and rushed to meet my sis at town.
Was very late.
Then shopped around at wisma, taka and far east.
Bought a black Fox's polo top.
Then went over to far east and bought another top. Stripes. With designs on it.
Then saw this necklace at this particular shop.
It's damn cute and hot can?
It's something like bear-brick, but it's gold and it's a necklace. Tht costs $34.90.
Tsk tsk tsk.
They got other designs like, crown, skulls.. etc. All designs were hot.
Time for me to save some money. Wheeeeee..!
Funny part.
While walking over to Forever 21, thr was this 2 person walking infront of us.
Very tall, very fair and have very long hair.
So, out of curiousity, i purposely walked past them to see their gender.
They were actually ladies!
Hahaa, cos frm behind, they looked like transvesitites, alot.
Like those from thailand. LOL.
They are seriously very big sized and tall.
But no, they dont look like models, cos they're plump.
And then funny thing was the passers-by.
Thr was this malay guy who walked past them and he was like (tap fren's arm) and point at the 2 girls "ehhhh.. woah!"
Hahahaaha. So damn funny.
And not only tht, many many many passers-by turned and kept looking at the both of them, like some kind of freaks.
So damn hilarious man.
Today, national day.
Plain boring.
Woke up at 11am and took a nap at 2pm.
You can call me a pig now. Hahhaa.
Then woke up at 4pm to get ready to go out.
Went to the airport to fetch my mum.
Missed the ndp parade.
But gained something.
Was on the way back on the train, then was at kallang.
Just nice, we saw the fireworks. Lasted for less than a min, but it was nice laa.
K, then reached home, watched tv and then i'm here.

Caption for the blue one: *tiak tiak*. okay, nobody understands xcept for me and hy.

Me and hy.

Me, sharifah and nadia.
The rest are with hy.
Can't wait to see the class photos thou.
Tmrw is a school holiday, and i'm going to rot at home.
It's 1.37am now. And it's cold.
Okay, goodnight/goodmorning.
Lucky For Nothing is a good band.
New mood.
Monday, August 07, 2006, 6:50 PM
I got a new mood for myself.
It's the - Mabok mood.
When i'm in the mabok mood, i do things unexpectedly.
Haaahaa, i'll chrip like a crow. Ehh.. i can do it really well. Lol, tht isnt something to be proud at, i noe. Hahaaha.
And many many......................................................
But, my mood swings very very fast and easily :(
Bad bad bad.
So anyway, me and hy created a personal diary.
Ehh.. more of like a chat book plus personal diary laa.
She sits beside me. So having a chat book is the best laa.
The book is very very personal i must say. Everything is in it..............
Yeah, so, hy told me something she dislike today. And ya, i must think thru it laa.
Then recess, jm and pritpal snatched the diary frm me and wanted to read it, ran and chase for it, and i was making myself a fool.
I screamed, i can't afford to let em read it laa.
Then hy saw, screamed at them, she was bloody pissed laa i must say.
While i was chilling her down.
Ehhh.. yadaaa yadaaa badaaa.
Hmm.. tmrw is gonna be a half day.
Will be spending our national day at the Botanic Garden?
Idk who came up with this idea laa, whole of sec 4na will be going thr.
For picnic. Lame, i noe. Wth.
I'll be looking forward to fun.
Do do do da da daaa daaa.
Oh oh oh oh..
I like to eat my jellies frozen.
This is very the random riggggght?
K, i'm speaking to myself can?
Ehh.. wait, who am i telling tht i'm speaking to myself?
Okay, i don't understand myself.
Ahhhh.. whatever.
Lol, k k k.
This Is Me Smiling is a good band.
I'm tired.
Saturday, August 05, 2006, 4:58 PM
Be it physically or mentally.
I'm just too tired to think anymore, mentally.
My thigh muscles are aching badly, i cant even walk properly.
This happens everytime when i stop excercising for a long time.
So, on friday, ystd, i don't know why i ran so much.
Played catching with jm, hy and pritpal. It's more like running 2.4km.
Idk how the game started, we just played catching.
For god knows reason.
And i chased pritpal like one mad woman, while he is only jogging.
Just imagine how long his legs are.
I swear i ran at my fastest speed and he was like, jogging. -.-
Haha, but it was fun laa, it was like back to my pri sch days.
So, memorable..........................
And then afterschool.
We played with water.
They were waiting for me to pack my bag and i always pack my bag very slowly in order to make it organised and neat.
So yea, i was slow then jm and pritpal cannot tahan, so they disturbed me, as usual.
Then, idk why i was like in a mabok-state. So i just spilled water on pritpal.
And tht's how the water-fight started.
Friggin pritpal took 2 bottles and sprayed me.
Really fed up. But fun at the same time.
So i was like, half drenched.
I retaliate, but they dont seem wet at all.
Toilet aunty scolded us. For making the classroom and toilet wet.
Hmm.. she said she's going to report to dm/om?
Ahhhhhh.. heck laa.
After all the fun.
Went over to alif with jm and pritpal to meet jasper, jiekai, tsuhaw for lunch.
We were very late.
And i was the only girl thr, felt very awkward.
But nvm, they're like my bros.
Cos i promised jm i wuld go if he help me to get pritpal drenched.
So, i have to go, or else i wuld have gone home.
Looks like i have to find a new close girl-friend.
Cos, 2 of my close frens arent as free as bfore.
Due to some probs. Oh well..
If not my days will only be spent with boys.
I dun want it tht way. Cos some pple will start some stupid comments bout me.
But most of the time now, i'm with jm and pritpal.
So yea, tht explains.
My days are getting lonlier. Both in sch or home.
Mum says, in a few yrs time, she'll most prolly be going to msia to stay with my dad, leaving the house with me and both my sis.
Then eldest sis works, second sis studies.
Practically, the home will be quiet.
Halifax is a good band.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006, 6:01 PM
Had photo taking ystd.
And damn, miss toh just likes to spoil our mood.
This year's photo taking sucks. It's not even the whole class.
7 weren't in the photo. It's not even a
class photo.
Then, dunno wad got into miss siew, she just walked into the class and yelled, 'all stand!'. WHILE we were having out mock ppr.
Then she caught the guys with long hair/fringes.
Then asked them to cut. Shout here shout thr WHILE we are having our mock ppr.
And she still can actually laugh?
Ahhhhh.. teachers these day are just so.................!
So anway, the background sucks.
It was taken at the parade sq.
As the yr goes by, the background is getting worst and worst.
First yr was hall, not so bad. Then it was the gym - omg. And now, the parade sq.
Then next yr wad? Backfround forest? It might be possible since hilly likes tress so much.
Even the sch song is about 'the process of planting a tree'.
First, the seeds are sown, then we shower them with tender care to withstand the test of time and weather...!?
Lol lol lolly.
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhh k, i better shut up or i'm gonna get withdrawn frm hilly again.
This school really is driving me mad.
Hmm.. mdm chan flared up bcos of some 'act sat' (act as if they're very honorable) pple.
Mdm chan gave us a task. Then after some time, she asked, whose ppr is still blank?
Then some think they we being funny, raised their hand.
They didn't expect mdm chan to just crush their ppr.
Act somemore laa.
Mdm chan is a good teacher, really. But one's patience has its limits.
After school was super boring.
We, pritpal and hy waited for the 'king' but in the end, the king just dont noe how to repay kindness.
So yea. I'm lazy to elaborate.
K, i'm superb bored now.
Haha bye laa!
From Autumn To Ashes is a good band.