Havoc ahhh.
Monday, September 25, 2006, 3:04 PM
Yesterday, sunday.
At around noon, went over to peiyu's son one month celebration at their in-laws condo's function room.
Ate the catered food, chat with them.
Then, after tht they decided to go to karaoke at party world, in town.
They booked the vip room, and it was seriously huge laa.
Cause we have more than 10 pple.
Then they all sing the chinese songs which, i don't.
So i just sat thr and listened and drank and ate.
So we started from 5.30pm till 9.30pm.
Then after tht, was supposed to head home.
But, received a call on the way.
Then last min, me, my sis, benson, weiquan and ken went to have supper.
Eat eat eat, till around 1130 then headed back home.
Packed my bag and stuffs then sleep.
Oh something i wanna mention.
On the way to the condo in my dad's car.
We was at this junction, traffic light laa.
Then this motorcycle dude cut my dad's lane.
My dad let him cut the lane and he still horn-ed at us. Tsk.
The dude was a fat guy, wearing those sports shade and his bike was super big can, bigger than a harley, with those compartments at the side. Those kind laa.
Then, after tht my dad drove past him, then he give us tht stupid-act-macho-wannabe-fat arse stare laa.
Then my dad stared at him back AND, pointed a middle finger to him and said, "fuck you, fuck you"
Haha! Ehh.. my dad vulgar and cool ahhh.
I really didn't expect him to do tht laa. Tsk tsk.
But so damn funny laa.
So anyway, 1 week left to N lvls.
Today in school, almost every teacher kept reminding and nagging us, "you pple better stop playing, N lvls is just one week away and yet you're still not paying attention............. blablablablayadayadayadabadabda........"
But ya laa, one week left, i got tht in mind alrdy.
So i won't be on the net as much alrdy.
Gotta refrain myself from using the comp now.
So anyway today, me and hy talked and though thru alot of things in class.
Basically about, true friends.
I've seen pple's true colours but what can i do about it?
True friends don't bad mouth you.
True friends won't betray you.
True friends won't backstab you.
True friends won't call you names.
True friends won't leave you in the lurch... etc.
Haiyah, i'm sick and tired of this topic alrdy laa.
Just go think about it and i'll think about it too.
Refused is a good band.
Sunday, September 24, 2006, 1:36 AM
I've been a motorola phone supporter. Ha.
From my first phone till now, out of 5 phones, 3 are motorola.
I don't like nokia phones, to me, they're like very over-rated. Tsk.
Anyway, i'm looking forward to motorola's upcoming new series of phones, the Motorola Razr Offspring.

This is the Motorola Rizr.
I want this!

This is the Razr Maxx.
I like this!

This is the Razr V3XX.
The function's good, but design abit beng-ish. Lol.
Anyways, hilly's girls can dance okay.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImNTAEH6FKAWho got the song? Super-remix sia. But nice.
Playing With Apes is a good band.
Problems after problems.
Thursday, September 21, 2006, 8:49 PM
Now, when will problems ever stop coming in and out?
It'll never stop.
Kuti laa. Everyday i blog like macam chapters lidddddat.
Okay okay.
So ystd, was about to fell asleep, received a call from hy.
She was crying laa. She sounded real bad and sad and pitiful till i wanna cry can.
And i'm not elaborate why cause it's not my rights to say it out.
So yeah.
Then this morning went to school.
Saw wn like alone, but at least she still have us.
We'll (hy,xq, me) still be thr for her.
Anyways, my prelims results are bad, real bad.
I wonder what's gonna happen to my Ns. Urghhhhh, goddamnit.
So, for my cold war with hy has ended since ystd.
Not gonna talk about it.
Now 3 more problems out.
Hy, xq and wn. Eh woah, all my besties sia.
Hy is............................... idk if i can say.
Xq just feels tht everyone is starting to hate her.
Wn is still okay just tht how is she gonna cope in her class with others around.
How to settle sia.
K alright, i'll try my very best to help them all.
So after school, hy's sis came to fetch her just to ensure tht she's not loitering around.
Then me and xq accompanied her.
After which, me and xq went back to school to meet jm for poa tution.
Went to the library and saw hannan, elton and gerald only.
Freaking hell.
Mrs Tai is freaking rich can!
Wahlaoeh, she don't need to teach also can live the rest of her life loh.
She got her own
Law Firm laa! Set up by her and her husband.
No wonder from head to toe, she's decorated by diamonds laa.
K, then after poa walked home with xq and jm.
So we were talking about attitudes and stuffs.
Then i told jm.
If you don't want pple to give you bad attitude, then you shouldn't show them your bad attitude first. Ask yourself how you treat that person first and don't complain when the person treats you badly back.
Cause you derserve it. Cause it's just like how you treat others.
Ermm.. idk if it makes sense laa.
Haha. But i always live with the motto, "Respect others first before you get your respect back."
Ehh.. whatever laa hor.
Merepek kan.
Murder She Wrote is a good band.
Conflicts again.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 6:42 PM
When will conflicts stop? It'll never stop.
Just today i've seen 5 and all involved my classmates.
Like, when will pple ever get along?
Some between classmates.
And then can conflict till each call their own gang down.
Then the one i'm gonna mention is because 2 of my best frens are involved -xq and wn.
The whole thing was complicated sia.
I didnt speak much cause i wasn't involve.
But stood behind to make sure nothing big will happen.
So was divided into 2 groups.
Of cos i was with wn and xq laa.
Then, shout here shout there argue this argue that.
Till the boys almost fought.
Actually the whole thing only involved wn and another girl. (i dont wanna name)
Then, 2 groups.
The girl aruged till she cried and walked away.
Then, some others followed her.
So it was like 2 different grps.
Then, seeing the situation, i told weina, "those who are here with you now and those who didnt walk away are your true friends. now you know who your true friends are."
This kind of situation is the best to see who your true friends are laa really.
It's so damn obvious.
And i really wonder if they can still be the best of friends as bfore or not.
Both cried. Both argued. Both shouted at each other.
Tsk tsk tsk.
K laa, i'll stop talking about others.
Cause i myself have problems.
Tht's all i'm gonna say.
The Chariot is a good band.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 6:47 PM
PJ asked if i wanna to go Philippines during the december holidays.
Not for holiday purpose though.
For voluntary purpose.
To help teach the needy children, build a library for them... etc.
For 10 days.
I feel like going. I wanna do some voluntary work.
So, i might be going there during the december holidays.
Hopefully it'll be a memorable trip.
I am dirt.
, 6:20 PM
I am dirt.As easy to be blown away.Irritates pple when i'm seen.Nobody would ever want dirt around them.When seen, i would be either blown or washed away. So yeah.
Dawgs, ya dig it?
I think i better get used to the life i'm having now.
Cause........................................................ it may be long-term.
But i don't mind cause, the life i'm having now is somehow and somewhat making
others happy.
So, let it be.
Since you don't give it a damn, why should i?
I got eyes to see, i'm not bodoh.My self-esteem has gone from 10% to 1%.
Fuck it.
But.................................................................... my words always contridicts.
NEVERMIND. We'll see this time round.
K, enough of tht.
Comp's still down, it became worst.
Dad said he'll change the whole motherboard.
Hopefully, it would affect my hardisk.
If not, i'll cry so badly i swear.
Enough said, back to school business.
School's horrible terrible.
Morning............................................................ mute and alone.
Recess............................. went to some place to hide myself.
After school, was with jm, jasper and pritpal.
Went to find miss koh, actually not me, they asked me to accompany, so i did.
But at least i learnt some stuffs.
Miss koh want me to score distinction. Together with jasper and pritpal.
And if the 3 of us were to score distinction, she'll treat the whole class pizza.
Now, i got another goal to aim for.
After the whole thing, was around 3.30pm.
Then headed to westmall, cos they wanted to get some stuffs.
I didn't want to go in the first place, but i don't wanna
pang seh so i accompanied them.
Wasn't in a good mood today.
I'm sorry if i was showing my bad mood to my classmates.
But i really don't want to force a fake smile out.
It's tiring .............................................................................
Headed home soon after at around 5pm.
So yeah.
So yeah.
Don't fucking put on a show/act for me.
Cause i got eyes to see, i'm not bodoh.
Cause i got ears to hear, i'm not bodoh.
But i'm just gonna remain quiet.
Are you blogging for yourself or for the readers?Ask yourself.Matchbook Romance is a good band.
Sunday, September 17, 2006, 11:58 PM
Gees, super tired now.
My comp is screwed again!
It's the same damn system error again.
The "system32/drive....... " something something.
Can't log on to user.
Anybody who knows how to deal or solve this prob please! tell me.
So, screwed.
Just came back from uncle david's chalet.
It was chermaine's birthday party.
Went downtown east ystd at around 5pm plus.
Then, reached thr, had the catering then i was so-called in charge of the bbq section.
I helped bbq the food to at least 40-50 pple.
Together with weiquan and jianping.
After tht, i should be going home.
But decided to stay. Didnt bring any clothes or anything.
Stayed up at the chalet, watching movies with pj.
Haha, watched 'Over the Hedge' .. ehh, damn cute can!
Then watched, 'Benchwarmers' .. favourite laa, so damn hilarious.
Lastly, watched, 'My Super Ex-girlfriend' .. i find it kinda lame thou.
After tht, went to have lunch.
Only managed to have afew hours of sleep.
Then proceeded to Escape theme park.
Cause, got too many free tickets.
A total of 16 tickets. And we only used 7 tickets.
Only had the time for escape or could have gone to wild wild wet.
Afterwhich, had dinner then checked out.
Headed home. But i went to peiyu's house first.
Seen peiyu's baby boy, Joshua. Very cute!
And then, i headed home.
Iron my uniform, bath, unpack till 11pm.
And now, here i am.
Just now, throughout the stay at the chalet, i kept picturing me and my classmates at the upcoming class chalet.
I really do hope it'll be memorable.
I hope thr'll be no fights, arguments, conflicts.
But, tht's close to impossible. So yeah.
Anyways, did i mention i just changed my blogskin again?
K, changed again, cause the previous one, i don't really like laa honestly.
Like, eeeeww laa.
This current one took me lotsa time.
I changed quite a number of things, the image, the colours.
Changed the theme completely.
Found the wallppr myself then insert in.
It's the colours tht made me spend alot of time.
But credits still go to the creator. :D
Urghh. Don't feel like schooling tmrw.
Cause of releasing of prelims results
and ......................................
Dear Whoever is a good band.
Walk in the rain.
Friday, September 15, 2006, 2:31 PM
I'm shivering like a stray cat in the rain now.
Like fuck yeah.
Yeah yeah, i
love to walk in the rain alone.
Walk home alone in the rain slowly, letting the raindrops fall on me.
Maybe, i'll get knock down by a car, cause when it rains, it nvr held my head up, i'll be looking at the ground.
Maybe, i'll get struck by the lightning. A rare death.
Who knows..? Anything can happen in life.
And i have not dry myself up. Cause i wanna stay wet and fall sick.
Cause cause........................................
NEVERMIND.I've officially opened a private blog/diary.
So now, pple won't get hurt or whatever shit laa.
From today, not all personal stuffs won't be written here.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
I got nothing to say today.
Ha ha ha, i'm trying so hard to be a happy kid can.
Straylight Run is a good band.
Prelims - Habes!
Thursday, September 14, 2006, 12:41 PM
Today, last ppr of prelims!
Last ppr - poa.
Ppr 1, still okay.
Ppr 2, not okay.
Ala, don't wanna talk bout prelims anymore.
So so so, after the ppr.
Stayed in canteen to don't know do what for awhile.
Then, went off to hiking with jm, prit, hy, xq, wn.
Hike at just outside my school, the forest area.
Have been going thr after school to hike, lepak, rest, chat, take photos.
Very nice scenery. Will be trying out more stuffs someday soon.
Then after tht, jm and prit left.
So left the 4 of us.
Didnt noe what to do.
Wanted to go out initially.
But all were tired, including myself.
So cancelled.
Then, went home but hy followed me cos she said she dun wanna go home.
And we both kinda feel like going out too.
So discussed and decided to go out.
Went home, shower change and came out.
Met her at the interchange.
And went off to town.
First thing was hungry. So ate at pastamania in cine.
Don't try the new set meal thing. The silician whatever shit.
It doesnt taste nice to me at all.
Then after tht, shop around.
Then took neoprints again at heeren.
The machine was fun, thr was like, no time limit to let you edit the pics.
I like going to town during weekdays.
So empty. Haha.
And then continued to shop around.
Left the place at around, 9pm.
Reached home at 9.45pm.
Now, i'm really tired.
Here's some photos.

After prelims, xq high.

The hike.

I was searching for the 2 dudes who took my phone and ran away and hy, i really don't know. Haaa.

All black and white..?

Where are you, my guardian angel..?
(this is a sept 15 post)
Velvet Revolver is a good band.
Prelims - Habes!
, 12:41 PM
Today, last ppr of prelims!
Last ppr - poa.
Ppr 1, still okay.
Ppr 2, not okay.
Ala, don't wanna talk bout prelims anymore.
So so so, after the ppr.
Stayed in canteen to don't know do what for awhile.
Then, went off to hiking with jm, prit, hy, xq, wn.
Hike at just outside my school, the forest area.
Have been going thr after school to hike, lepak, rest, chat, take photos.
Very nice scenery. Will be trying out more stuffs someday soon.
Then after tht, jm and prit left.
So left the 4 of us.
Didnt noe what to do.
Wanted to go out initially.
But all were tired, including myself.
So cancelled.
Then, went home but hy followed me cos she said she dun wanna go home.
And we both kinda feel like going out too.
So discussed and decided to go out.
Went home, shower change and came out.
Met her at the interchange.
And went off to town.
First thing was hungry. So ate at pastamania in cine.
Don't try the new set meal thing. The silician whatever shit.
It doesnt taste nice to me at all.
Then after tht, shop around.
Then took neoprints again at heeren.
The machine was fun, thr was like, no time limit to let you edit the pics.
I like going to town during weekdays.
So empty. Haha.
And then continued to shop around.
Left the place at around, 9pm.
Reached home at 9.45pm.
Now, i'm really tired.
Here's some photos.

After prelims, xq high.

The hike.

I was searching for the 2 dudes who took my phone and ran away and hy, i really don't know. Haaa.

All black and white..?

Where are you, my guardian angel..?
(this is a sept 15 post)
Velvet Revolver is a good band.
Stress sia.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:25 PM
K today had science ppr.
I did my physics ppr seriously. And check and check thru again and again.
Chemistry, i do the MCQ 4th ques, i lie on the table alrdy.
Like fuck sia, it's like i've nvr seen this kind of ques in my life bfore.
Then slept for 10 mins, woke up and proceed to section B.
Same thing. I left the remaining 30mins to sleep.
Seriously, i slept till like so shiok laa. First time.
Then after the ppr, was craving for cheeeeese fries.
So went to kfc at westmall together with hy.
Ate then wanted to went home.
Walk walk walk then i heard, "angeline!"
I was like, ehh.. who shout my name?
Then looked infront was finaaa.
Wanted to meet her initially outside sch.
But since met her at mrt station alrdy and i had to go out to study.
So just met for awhile.
Then left.
Funny sia the situation.
Like, we shook hands, chatted and then all of us were like, "k, so what now?"
So yea, i left with hy and she left with her fren.
After tht straight away rushed home.
Shower change and meet hy.
And then after tht jm came.
And proceeded to jurong library.
Bloody hell tht library is full of pple.
Couldn't find a place to sit.
So sat on the ground using the sofa as table.
In the end got chased away by security. -.-
So gave up.
Went off to Bukit panjang mac and studied and wait for hy's tution teacher to come.
Study study study all the way sia.
Good tht hy's tutor is thr to teach us. Lol.
Then left thr at 9pm.
Reached home at 9.30pm.
And LRT station is freaking dark.
K now.
I want to go bath and study till 2am.
Holy urine!
Last ppr for prelims, tahan!
The Sun is a good band.
New blogskin.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 8:46 PM
Geee.. new skin.
Yea, i noe. This skin is like so, emo.
But no! I'm not a emo kid, lah.
I just find it nice. So yea.
And it kinda has the theme of From First to Last.
Cause of the 'note to self' thingy.
Couldn't find other nice ones to replace the old one.
Cause apparently, the old one's code got screwed up again.
K so so, this week prelims.
Done with math and geog, left with science and poa.
I don't know why i keep falling asleep during the 2 pprs.
Esp math, did half way and i was gonna fall asleep. -.-
But i didn't in the end. :D
Today, had Geography.
Ehh.. kinda difficult thou. Again, spent too much time on map-reading.
Went to school to take the ppr for 1hr30mins then left school. Lol.
After tht, had breakfast with hy, jm and prit at Mac.
Then, chatted and planned to meet and study later on.
But didn't in the end.
So hy went over to my house.
Use the comp for awhile, then studied.
Tested her on physics while she was using the comp.
Then after afew hours, she panic. Cause she thinks she won't have enough to finish studying.
Good thing about her, at least she's scared she won't be able to finish.
Bad thing bout me, i'm not even scared and i've not even started studying.
Relax relax laa.
I'm those kind, "aiyah, haven't finish studying. aiyah, heck laa nvm one laa"
And she's those, "die die! haven't finish studying. die die! how how!?" Then cries"
Hahahaa. So which kind are you..?
Many of my close frens are the same kind as me. Lol.
I'm not the only one.
Hahaa. K, then sort things out.
Decided to go to her house to study cause she can concentrate better.
My dad drove us thr as he was on the way to somewhere else.
Reached then ate then study then she stress then i studied and walk around do nothing.
But i did study laa.
Hmm.. left at around 6pm.
Bus-luck wasn't on my side today.
Waited for 173 for around 15-20 mins.
Then, waited for 945 for around 15 mins.
Bloody fuck.
Took a quick shower.
And poof, here i am.
SIAN! Need to burn midnight oil today again.
I'm reluctant, lah.
No Use For A Name is a good band.
Amazing dreams.
Sunday, September 10, 2006, 4:32 PM
K bad bad bad.
I should be mugging now instead of blogging.
Tmrw math prelim pprs lehhhhh.
Prelims till thurs.
Friday, party a bit.
Next 2 weeks, hardcore revison.
Then the following 3rd week, N lvls.
N lvls till 9 oct.
Then i can party till i drop. Hahahaa.
Okie dokie.
How amazing dreams can get?
I can actually dream of Shan Wee and Tay Ping Hui yesterday.
Tht 2 hotties.
They were cashiers in my school selling cds.
And then, i bought The Killers cd.
Then, there was something wrong with the barcode or something and Shan wee attended to me. HAHA.
Then after tht, my friends left without me.
Then i had to walk home alone.
The streets looked like those old english britain road.
Hahaa. So, weird.
Then, the phone rings and woke me up.
My dreams are always always woken up by phone rings.
It was actually hy.
So my mum came to wake me up to answer the call.
Then, i did something embarrasing and dumb.
What i did was, i went to untie my clock which was tied to my bed.
Then, thinking tht it was a phone, i wanted to put it close to my ears and talk.
Now, you noe how dreamy and sleepy i was then. Hahaaa.
K, then woke up yesterday.
Received a msg frm hy and then she called.
Asking me out to study. Or rather, to accompany her.
So met at batok's mac.
Studied for a while.
Then, began to talk, eat and drink. Hahaa.
I won't be able to study in mac.
Then after tht, went off to westmall to get some stuffs.
Went home later on as she had tution and i had steamboat-dinner.
My classmates and friends are getting more and more scarier each day.......
Tsk tsk tsk.
Breaking Benjamin is a good band.
Fcuking bored.
Friday, September 08, 2006, 5:02 PM
I'm very very very bored.
Bad thing is, when i'm bored, i don't feel like studying. Hahaa.
I tried to do something productive.
But gave up half way thru.
I can die from stress laa.
I studied for SS alrdy wanna die. (don't talk about ss, only makes my blood boil)
How am i gonna continue study for the rest..?
I'm still left with, math, physics, chem, poa, eng, geog.
Whoa.. can die.
Prelims next week.
2 week after prelims will be actual N lvls.
So fast so fast. We've got no time.
I've thought thru lotsa things.
I've been trying real hard to be
friendlier laa can.
When i'm unhappy at certain things, i'll just smile.
But i don't really like when pple starts to question my certainty.
Although although...................... urgh, nvm.
I find it really funny&amazing how pple speaks singlish-ly.
I myself speak singlish-ly, i admit.
Like, "ehhh.. i wanna ah-choo alrdy ah."
Then, i think about it, does 'ah-choo' actually makes any sense? Lol.
I gave myself a wake up call last week.
And i mustn't fall asleep!
Hence, i'm gonna promise myself to practice math and study geog today till at least 3am.
It's a promise for myself.
K pple, mug!!
Wah lao, this post is superb boring.
I cannot tahan laa.
I don't like combing my hair after bathing.So so so, random.Deftones is a good band.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006, 11:47 PM
I feel kinda high just now......
It's the coughing syrup and panadol extra tht made me like tht.
I;'m trying real hard to type properly now seh.
Bloddy hell the coughing syrup super reactive.
Just 15 mins, it made me drowsy.
Then, tried lying on the sofa hoping the drowsy-ness will go away.
But, didnt.
So i tried sitting upright.
Still, diddnt help.
Then stood up, i feel like, i'm very tall very. Then i feel like i'm floating.
Then i went to the samll sofa.
Lied down, with my head near the ground and my feet in the air.
Tjen i try walking straight. But i walked like acrab instead seh. Like dancing also.
But funny thing is i can still remb wad i did and i'm still concsious.
Hahahaa.,, i'm still mentally-stable.
Now i noe why tsuhaw says, coughing syrup and panadol will make one high.
But my motive wasnt to get high.
I just need to cure my cough laa, hey.
Little man the movie is lame.
I rate it like only 1.5/5 stars.
Halfway thru i was like aiyah boring laa i dont wish to noe the ending.
I seldom have this kind of comments laa actually.
It's way lousier than white chicks.
White chicks is one of the funniest movie i watched.
Okay just now watched little man with hy after poa remedial.
Was late for the remedial for almost an hour.
Can't get up bcos of my bloody headache.
It's like i went to poa remedial to sleep instead.
Only managed to jot down some notes.
Anyways, thought about some stuffs while bathing jus now.
So, from today onwards, i wanna be happy.
I dont wanna dwell on those problems anymore laa.
I wanna bring a smile out to school or anywhr else.
I just wanna be myself laa can.
Hy said something tht kinda made me thought thru.
She said, i became unfriendly.
Seems like evrybody thinks and knows tht i'm playful.
Even mdm chan noes, miss siew noes, mrs tai noes, miss toh noes, my frens noes, my family noes... aiyah everybody laa.
Mdm chan said, i'm those who will enjoy poly life.
Hell yeah.
I wanna burp but the air just wont come out.
The feeling not good sehh.
A Cutthroat Kiss is a good band.
The 100th post.
Monday, September 04, 2006, 3:34 PM
...and still going on.
Bloody cough.
Made me can't my papers with comfort just now.
Bloody hell.
Make me almost spilled my vomit on kimchuan's head.
Blardy vomit.
If i didnt cover my mouth and tahan and swallow, kimchuan's head will be covered by my slimmy&yummy phlegm.
I tahan cos it's in the middle of a major exam, i dont wanna disturb others.
I dont want the examination hall to smell.
I dont want heads turning to me.
I dont want to stop doing my ppr.
Bloody phlegm.
Make me irritate and disturb the pple seating around me.
I apologise to all!
Cos i can't stop coughing just now.
My cough hasn't been good.
Seen blood in my phlegm.
Having sleepless nights, cos i spend my sleep coughing.
And whenever i cough, i feel like i'm having asthma.
I finished the bottle of coughing syrup but i see no improvements.
I think i need to bring a bucket with me tmrw.
In case i really puke.
Heck laa.
I dont even care alrdy.
So i had MT ppr 1 and 2 today.
Hmm.. i find it average laa thou i didnt study for it at all.
And even thou i didnt study, i noe how to do, amazingly.
We discussed the ppr after tht.
And i found out, those who studied didnt noe how to do the sentence formation thingy, while on the other hand, those who didnt study, like me, noe how to do.
Haha. Hopefully, i can get a pass laa. Please..?
K then after the ppr, went off to have lunch with, Jianming, Jasper, Jiekai, Ben, Tsuhaw and then after tht, Xiaoqing and Weina came.
Then, went home.
What a boring day laa can.
Gonna study SS again ltr.
On sat, studied till 5am.
Then, woke up at 10am.
All thanks to nescafe.
Crossfade is a good band.
Panic! at N lvls.
Sunday, September 03, 2006, 3:02 AM
I'm really starting to panic and get worried.
Like, shit. There's insufficient time left.
Really reallly realllyyyy.
Thts the reason why i've been blogging at these time.
I've been thinking and strategising alot just now.
For my N lvls, i won't be depending on mother tounge and science.
Those are my weakest.
Therefore, i'm really gonna focus alot on math, poa and english.
Math and poa, i've booked Elton to be my tutor.
Humanities, i'm gonna try my best.
I count and count and count and try to estimate the score i'm gonna get.
I was acting like one nutcase just now.
Walking round and round my room, pulling my shirt, talking to myself.
And i just realised, i did those things.
And when i sat down, i trembled.
Now, i noe fear.
My expectations are way low.
I just wanna promote to sec 5.
Tht's my parents expectations too.
And, if i were to promote to sec 5.. i can get a Mp3 player, a adidas watch, a new bag and my dad's laptop. Those are what my parents promised me.
And most importantly, pride.
Now, you noe how low my standard is and how much motivation they need to give me.
So, why not work for it..?
Social studies.....
6 chaps to study.
I'm gonna focus on 4 chaps.
It's all about strategising.
So yea.
But, i still haven't finish tht 4 chaps.
I'm giving myself this wake-up call.
And to those pple out thr, Wake-Up.
Think about it.
I rather suffer and tahan now for these few weeks than to suffer in the future for years.
Omg, i sound like miss toh now. -.-
But see, study and mug for now, when N lvls finish, i can party till i drop.
Hahaa.. no laa, i'm not tht havoc.
So yea so yea.
Now, i'm going off to study Social studies.
Hopefully, till 4.30am.
Black Light Burns is a good band.
Saturday, September 02, 2006, 2:43 AM
Sometimes, the responses i get is like........... nobody cares.
It's not tht i want pple to care about me.
No one will understand.
The things i see, the things i've been through makes me realised alot of things.
It doesn't pay to be kind to certain pple. Tht's one point.
What goes around comes around. Tht's another.
Bloody hell.
I don't wanna live in a family by which, my mum hates talking to me and my mum loves talking to my 2nd sis.
I see all these happening all the time. I'll look at them and ponder, am i their child..?
In this world, nobody understands me.
Let aside, besties.
They'll be like, 'aiyah, dun think so much laa, it's nothing."
What do you mean by nothing..?
Cause, they don't know what's happening and they couldn't care less.
Cause, they've got other pple they want to care for.
At some point of time, i wonder like, do i even exist?
Like, nobody cares about my existance. At all.
Now, pple will be like, "okay, here she goes again.."
Ya, here i go again. I hate to do this.
But when will this stop?
3 things in life.
Family, friends and god.
3 of the most important things in life i guess.
But who's actually listening to me or my craps?
The tagboard explains.
Who actually cares?
The tagboard explains.
Who really cares about you?
The phone. (sms/call) or talking to you in reality.
Sometimes i really feel like having someone to spill everything out tht is in my heart.
Hey, but who..?
If anyone volunteered, he/she will be very appreciated.
But for now, it's hard laa.
Even the closest ones are doing these to me.
What happened to me, xq, wn, hy?
What happened to club 9?
Everything i love is gone.
I find myself pretty weird.
I mean just look at my posts.
Sometimes, i'm happy and high.
Sometimes, i'm sad and depressed like what.
Tht's what i call, life.
I gotta face it.
And why in the hell am i blogging at this time..?
I'm supposed to be sleeping/studying.
I feel like, i don't even exist..........................
But, i gotta move on.................................................................
Boys Night Out is a good band.
Happy teachers' day.
Friday, September 01, 2006, 1:34 AM
Aiggghtt back to update.
Been pretty busy these few days.
With, school. Yea, mainly school i guess.
Have been attending the night studies.
And today is the last day. Like, so sad laa.
K so today is teachers' day.
And i didnt bought anything for the teachers.
Majority didnt buy anything for the teachers in fact.
Hahahaa. And they still want 'gratitude' so much.
Teachers' day celebration was not bad laa this yr.
The first performace was good, by ati's grp.
Alot of remix.
But the next performance was eh eh eh eh eh eh.
Then after the performance, rushed to westmall with hy.
She had to get her chinese dictionary cos monday is mt ppr 1.
And she lost hers, so she need to get one and get it approval chop frm school.
Took a cab back to sch.
Then after tht went over to my pri school. - St Anthony's Pri Sch.
Hy accompanied me back cos she's not going back to her's.
This year alot of my ex-pri sch mates.
Like, half a class laa.
Everybody changed so much.
Like, wenhui -omg she look like tanya chua.
Saw, chaohao -omg he's so damn tall and huge and very socialable.
Saw, steph- still as pretty as bfore.
Saw, jeremy- grown taller.
Saw, hilary- still as cute as bfore.
Saw, nicholas- changed and became hotter. lol.
Saw, fabian- not much changes.
Saw, terence&weixiong- still about the same.
Saw, amanda- still like playful playful and pretty.
Saw, cindy- still as pretty as bfore.
Saw, mingkuan- dressed like emo kid.
Saw, weida- still look the same but taller.
Saw, dunno who else laa.
And the pri sch kids damn cute can.
Me and hy walked past a class.
Then we were looking in and all of a sudden the kids were jumping around and waving to us shouting, "hello hello!"
Omg, i felt like a rockstar. \m/ yeah baybehhhh.
Hahaa, so cute laaa!
Then sat at the bench near the canteen.
A girl kept smiling at me when she walked past, so i just waved.
And she waved back. Like i know her.
Cute la!
Then she walked back she still smiled at me.
So i chatted with her for awhile laa. Hahhaa.
Then me and hy sat thr observing the pri sch kids.
I dont understand why they like to run so much ahh.
Practically every kid is running.
Esp tht, Shane Joshua.
Hahaha, he's nadia's cousin i think.
After tht, went off.
Leaving all of my frens.
Cos hy thr mah, cant possibly leave her alone and talk to my frens.
Moreover, i aint tht close to them.
I have low self-esteem. Tht explains.
I'm really not socialable. Serious.
Felt bad.
But i know even if i join them, i wont be myself, just be quiet.
Yea yea.
Then receieved a call frm elton.
He said roy sad, so me and hy went back school.
Then let hy talk to him and let them spend time also laa.
Then i walked around the school, nice feeling, cos not a single soul is around.
And decided to go find mdm chan at the ava room.
So asked her ques and stuff.
Then went back to canteen.
Borrowed hy's ipod and listen.
Listened and i fell in love with Underoath.
I like how they each played their instruments.
They sound different frm other bands.
I like. Hahhaa.
Then, as i listened, i looked around.
Everybody around me are couples seh.
Only me lonely at one corner like fuck sia.
Cos i dun wanna interrput hy and roy's convo laa.
Then i began to think deep again.
Was in deep thoughts.
Think think think.
For around an hour or so.
Then roy left, and hy came to find me.
Then went to buy some drinks and headed back to night studies.
Then i started to become mabok.
By repeating, "excuse me, the gym is not open"
Hy like irritated alrdy.
The rest thinks i'm a nutcase.
Whenever they say i'm a nutcase right, i like it sia.
Not attention seeker. Just trying to entertain myself.
From tht onwards, i was behaving like dunno what laa.
I dont even understand how i feel.
I dont even understand why i did those things.
So yea.
Played metos plus coke again.
But moving to the next lvl.
The rocket.
Went over to some carpark with, Hy, Jm, Pritpal, Roy, Afiq, Firman and after tht Noriza came.
Suceeded only like half laa.
We spent like over $30++ on everthing sia.
I lazt to blog alrdt laa.
Tired alrdy.
Tht's all for today.
It's a long post yea.
Vendetta Red is a good band.