Tickle me.
Thursday, November 30, 2006, 12:11 AM
I totally agree with yana.
Bukit batok/gombak and ang mo kio alottttttt of siao pple.
As in those mentally-disordered pple.
In pastamania alrdy got afew. (costumers)
The most happening one is the old lady.
First day she came, she see the menu then she ask mandy to spell caesar for her.
So mandy spelt for her, "C-A-E-S-A-R".
Then we roll eyes and laugh.
Then she ordered Chicken ceasar salad.
Me and nico served her. And she was like, "no no, i'm eating here. get rid of the box."
(I stare at nico, nico stare at me)
Ok so we remove the box for her and put it nicely on the plate.
Then she sat down and ate.
After tht Wani went over to clear her finished dishes.
And she was like, "you want take this take, go!"
Then Wani take laa. But bfore wani take, she take afew pieces of the cabbage and put on the tissue for dunno what."
After that she went off.
She stood right outside pastamania.
The glass door there. And keep staring inside.
Ehh cb really hair-standing man.
Esp when she have white hair ok.
She stood for dunno how long.
Then went in again.
Eat garlic bread.
Then funny thing happen.
She started talking to someone else.
"Someone", you dig?
Then she was like asking somebody to go away, like chasing somebody away.
Ok this one we didnt laugh much cos it's kinda creepy.
Then after tht she started doing some hilarious movements.
She held her hand high.
She held her head high up and her turn her head 360 degrees.
Then raise both her hand high up then put down and kiss her hand.
Then wani was like, "see see, wah lao, she must be thinking she's talking to brad pitt or something man".
Then all of us squat down and laughed like hell siao.
I laugh till i cry can. Wah lao eh.
And then soon, she became our regular costumer.
Then the other time is a caucasian.
Some middle aged guy.
He kinda suffered from depression.
Cos he was whining, "my wife! my wife!.............."
Then dunno what passed away something something.
I wasnt at there when it happened.
My frens told me. He kinda created some trouble till my manager wanted to call the police down.
Then the other time is at westmall.
This is what xiaoqing told me.
Xq was at the post office.
Then this lady was in the queue. Then she began screaming, "idiot lah idiot lah" at herself.
Lmao. If i were there i'll laugh like some siaocharbo.
Aiyah, i've seen alot of these kind of pple laa.
My block downstairs alrdy got 2.
Brothers/twins somemore.
Everyday, same time sure appear one.
Bring the umbrella, whether rain or shine.
Then keep walking in circles one. -.-
Still got tons more laa.
But cant recall.
Backseat Goodbye is a good band.
It's time for me to change.
Friday, November 24, 2006, 2:01 AM
Graduation night.Woke up early in the morning.Then Huiyi came over to my house at around 2pm.
Then i helped her do her hair, and she helped me do mine.
I straightened hers and she curled mine. (but no effects..)
Then she helped me make up first.
I requested for only light make-up.
Then after that, Jianming came over to my house also.
Kinda surprised, cos it's still early.
Then he also wanted some make-up, so hy helped him put on some foundation tht's all.
After that, Peiling came.
Woah by then my room was super messy alrdy and, cramped.
But, fun laa.
In the end, peiling and huiyi not enough time do make-up.
Rush rush rush, cos was late alrdy.
Then all kanchiong.
Forget to take this forget to take dad.
My dad drove us there, cos we dont wanna walk to school wearing like tht!
I wore a simple navy blue dress.
Huiyi wore hmm.. vest. Jazz-y like. Vely the hot.
Peiling wore s flowery dress. Hot also.
Jianming wore formal top and pants. Looking smart.
Reached there, most of out classmates there alrdy.
Miss ong was there! And omg still as hot as bfore.
Then weina and xiaoqing looked gorgeous.
Xiaoqing, looked very cute! Like barbie doll.
Weina, looked very cute also, very pretty!
Nadiah, looked hot in her black suit.
Jasper is like the prom king, he spent over $300 over laa! Wth. But looking very smart laa.
Hmm.. who else?
Fiona also, very elegant.
Then started the progs.
And omg, it sucked like bitch.
Seriously laa, when they played those class presentation, practically, nobody's listening.
Everybody is busily running around taking photos.
And my class's effort went down the drain.
Cos! There's no bloody sound played.
Wth laa. Freaking pissed at the moment.
Tsk. Hillgrove's ava committee is still as sucky.
Then progs ended at around 9pm plus plus.
Next was D-I-S-C-O.
The disco hall was on the stage.
Alot of pple really danced their heart out as i can see.
Music was loud and good.
But freaking funny uhh.
While dancing, got teachers stand by the side to jaga.
Hahaha, like macam bouncers liddat.
Aiyah, school mah. So, no girl with boy grinding.
There're pple who gets caught; alottt.
Then 10pm.
Mr thiru, "ok tht's the end of the dance session, go pick up the litters on the floor, then i give you all one last song."
I was like, -.-"
Then last song ended, "ok tht's the end, now.. dance your way out of the school".
Left the school.
Then woah damn funny.
Opp school, under the block, one whole bunch of students smoking.
Hahahaa.. then alotttt were discussing where to go.
So in the end, i left with peiling, huiyi, jianming, jasper, jerome.... etc.
To esplanade.
Then i dont wanna blog alrdy.
Cos something unpleasant happened.
Sigh, sigh.
Reached home at around 3am.
Next day, work again.
Blablabla nothing much to blog bout work actually.
Some photos first.
The others are still not with me.

Clockwise: Xiaoqing, huiyi, peiling, me, jasper and jianming.

Miss siew, xiaoqing, elaine, huiyi and me.

My besties!

Me and elaine.

Me and huiyi. (:

There's alot more, but not with me.
I'll upload another day.
Anyway, i think it's really time for me to reflect.
I often reflect because of certain things tht happened.
And then in the end, i think about it.
Oh well.
Rounding up, I SUCK.
To friends, family and whosoever.
Heavy Heavy Low Low is a good band.
Monday, November 20, 2006, 11:42 PM
Yo yo yo wassup, i'm back. Hehehaha ho ho ho.
So once again, i reformatted my comp.
Luckily i have other comps to back up my files.
Now clever alrdy, if not i'll cry man.
And i think i'm getting used to it alrdy. How how..?
Something i don't understand about parents.
Why do they like to nag us to bath so much!?
It's not like, i stink or i sweat right.
And bloody hell, they just love to nag at me to bath.
I wonder why, i wonder how.
Funny leh.. it's not even their body, why they bother so much uhh?
And bathing is so so troublesome can?
Still must take clothes, towel, undergarments blablabla.
Somemore, waste water only.
Waste the money to buy shampoo and stuffs.
Blady heow.
BUT that doesnt mean i stink ok!
Haha ok ok.
So how long have i not updated?
I can't even recall what to update here alrdy.
Graduation night is in 2 days time.
And i havent gotten anything to wear there.
Haha.. i shall wear the school uniform then.
Tmrw will be the last day for me to search for it.
Recently got myself a pair of new kicks.
From vans. White canvas with green and black stripes and orange inner.
$70. Haha i havent got my pay yet, but i alrdy spent.
Then just now, shopped online with my sister.
Ordered 2 tees. Yay oh yay.
The tees damn cute. Lol.
Yesterday was Xiaoqing's 17th birthday.
Celebrated with weina, huiyi, jianming, jasper and pritpal.
Bought her 2 female boxers from topshop, plus a cake, plus a meal from swensens.
Met everybody at gombak.
Then decided to go off to town first.
Lunched at Swensens. We paid for xiaoqing's meal.
Then headed off to walk around. The guys wanted to look for their prom night items.
Walk walk walk.
Then headed off to csc again. To play bowling.
Then me and jm excuse off to buy a surprise cake.
I walked into the bowling alley with the cake.
Then surprised her. Hahaa.. old trick.
Then we played bowling, took photos laa.
Then take till my camera spoil, jam.
And then i dont know if the photos still can be saved.
Luckily, they didnt only take the photos with my camera.
Jasper's and weina's phone still have some.
If not, there'll be no photos at all.
Ok then headed home after that.
Me, weina, xiaoqing and jianming went off to pastamania for dinner/supper.
Then at the interchange.
Me and xiaoqing gang up disturb jm and wn.
Something about me, i love to see pple's "paiseh face".
As in those really paiseh then tiam tiam those kind. LOL.
Ok then after tht headed back home.
Then ahfoashfwenfwfwoeihofbeiofbewuifgduvbidfv.
Photos will be uploaded another day.
Cos i no photoshop to re-size.
Hahahaa, now scram!
This Providence is a good band.
Fucking virus.
Saturday, November 18, 2006, 2:42 PM
I'll update once my comp gets reformatted.
This is the dunno 4th or 5th time my comp gets reformatted within a month.
Fucking trojan-whatever shit.
Now, i have to restart everything again.
Fucking pissed off.
An update.
Thursday, November 09, 2006, 12:47 AM
I don't know how to start this post.
Ok. Still busy with work recently.
I want to work more, but request was rejected due to certain issues.
Recently, i was some sort of proceeding to the next position in pastamania.
The cashier-support. Hmm.. everybody have to go through this.
I like cashier-support laa.
Stand behind, do alot of stuffs.
When busy.. wah can do till i sweat.
But fun and the easiest to get scoldings.
Cos, i have to be alert and fast. As in, very very fast.
Haha.. i will improve, i will improve.
And also, been getting along well with the staffs laa.
Alot of girls to gossip and bitch with. Lol.
6th nov. Ok was late for work initially.
I woke up at 1129am. When i'm supposed to meet hy at 1130am.
Then i rushed down taking a cab.
Reached there, not late.
Then start work.
Then yana check the schdule, she asked me, 'ehh.. you both today working meh?'
Then i see, wahlaoeh.. we're working the 5pm shift laa.
Nehneh hy told me the day bfore we working 12pm.
Waste my cabfare. -.-
Then hy decided to come my house first.
She ate what my mom cooked.
Stingray, toufu and BAT.
Hahaa.. yea, we ate bat, imported from indonesia.
Tastes like chicken laa.
Then use the comp to let time pass.
Then went back to work.
Till closing.. blablablabla.
7th nov.Had my day off.So went out with jasper and benjamin.
Cos hy dont wanna go out and cos of some issues.
Then.. went to suntec.
Cos i wanted to find xq's bday present also.
Jasper looking for his monopoly. (it's the first time i see a guy so super duper obsessed with monopoly can.)
So he bought the Spongebob special version monopoly.
Which cost him $80.
And after he paid, his expression damn funny. Like those small kid getting some new toy.
Straight away after he bought, he open and see alrdy. Lol.
Ok.. then.
Went to walk/shop around laa.
Then headed back to batok csc.
To play bowling. Cos they bowling-siao.
So i just join laa.
Then at night, tsuhaw joined us.
Played for 2 games.
Then played spongebob monopoly.
But ehh damn cute and fun laa the spongebob version.
Played till around 1130pm then i had to leave.
But the guys wanted to cont playing bowling.
Told them i'll take cab home myself.
But they insist on paying the cab fare for me.
Good ahh they. Haha.
8th nov.
Went to work as usual.
Till 6pm.
Then took the pastamania test. Lol.
Some knowlegde-based test laa.
Then Lam (my manager) said he treat us dinner and to go through the test together.
So we went to jurong point, dined at the jap restaurent.
Good ahh he.
Then went to Mac to discuss the test.
And go through laa.
Gonna be trained to be a cashier alrdy.
I don't like!
Ok then after tht we chatted laa. He was actually a chef bfore he became our outlet manager.
He took part in various cooking competition seh. Lol.
Chitter chitter chat chat till 10pm.
Then headed home.
Tmrw, working 5pm shift.
Till closing. Blurgggh.
Madcap is a good band.
I have lazybones.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006, 10:36 PM
Pardon for the late reply.
I was online and free but i was just lazy to update.
K so i'm back from the class chalet.
Back for quite some time alrdy laa actually.
I'll just briefly post about what happened.
For more detailed happenings, go to:
http://www.-xsmallappletree.blogspot.com/Haha, they got all the details and photos.
1st day.Checked in. Rooms H1810 and H1811.
My grp checked in first. Followed by ade's group.
By the time ade's grp came, the whole chalet room is full alrdy.
So we waited for the food to be delivered here.
Then, i start fire with elton, gerald, kimchuan and daniel.
The rest inside enjoying.
Then slowly, all come out.
So, bbq started.
Was quited frustrated at times.
Cos when, drink's finished, nobody wanna top-up.
So i have to do it cos pple kept complaining to me, "eh.. no water liao."
So i top up laa.
Ice no more, also i top up. But at least some kind souls are willing to help laa.
Then bbq, also i cook, with some others like elton and ade laa.
The rest inside watch tv or pillow fight.
After afew hours then i took some rest to eat some food.
Then chit chat with some pple.
After tht the teachers came.
I cooked for them with jasper and ade and fiona and whosoever.
Cooked alrdy then served them then went over to settle hy's problem.
Didnt interact much with the teachers laa.
I got nth to chat with them also.
Mdm chan, Miss siew and Miss koh were there fyi.
After tht some pple left.
Then all went to bath.
I was the last girl to bath.
So after bathing, all took photos. Took alrdy, all left the chalet to walk around.
Walked around but all the shops are closed.
Then got chased away by security.
So in the end decided to go take a walk at pasir ris park.
Then along the way, dunno who shout uhh, "ehh.. here walk past red house right'
So, some of the light-hearted girls decided not to walk anymore.
So me and some of the girls went back to the chalet while the others carried on with the walk.
Went back, all went to bed. -.-
I didnt wanna sleep, so went outside sat at the bench alone.
Very creepy.
After tht elton and afew came back, then i took psp play.
Till i fell asleep FOR 5 mins.
Then tht peiling came in and said, "ehh.. angeline wake up leh.. i wanna sleep."
SO i let her sleep loh.
Then all of them came back alrdy.
Jm and jasper seen
that thing.
Heard jm was pale and the next day he had fever.
Then me, jm, huijuan, vedelene, jasper played monopoly outside the chalet.
Then jm kinda conquered all the houses.
Then all of us sian then, "aiyah.. dont want play alrdy laa.. only you play loh, we keep paying only"
Then sian.
So by then it was alrdy 7am.
2nd dayHalf of the pple who stayed for the first night went back home.
So, me, huijuan, jianming, jasper went to have our breakfast.
The rest still sleeping.
Then went back.
Went out again to ride bicycle.
Friggin expensive can.
Ride ride ride.
Then after tht went back, the boys wanted to go swimming.
So i was the only girl there.
Then i somehow somewhat became their mom.
Cos they were like, "ehh mummy, go swimming leh, help us take care of our clothes"
Then i ok loh.
But the rest of the girls came back by then.
Then the boys went swimming.
We girls looked at them swim. -.-
Cos we dont have the appropriate swimwear.
Somemore if i were to jump down, the water will be red. Ha ha.
Tsk tsk.
Then we girls decied to go back first rather than watch them swim blindly.
Chatted with them till i fell asleep.
For around 20 mins or so.
Then the boys came back.
Then we girls went to buy the materials to cont 2nd night of bbq.
Cos too much food left.
And the only pple remaining were:
Me, jasper, jianming, elton, sikai, adelene, fiona, ruishan and yiling.
And i agree with adelene, i love these 9 pple.
These 9 pple had the most fun.
Pritpal was a bitch.
He lost our trust, that's it.
So we bbq laa.
I ate the most tht night.
First night, i ate only some pathetic food.
2nd night, i had a blast. And there's still alot of food left.
Can cont 3rd night, but too bad we dont have a 3rd night.
After bbq, we went to walk around again.
Played arcade for awhile only.
Then went back. Played monopoly with jianming, jasper and sikai outside.
While the others were inside playing poker cards.
Played for quite some time, then jm suddenly, "ehh go in play laa..
she keep staring at us."
Woah i tell you i was the first and the fastest to run in to the chalet.
Cos jm, he can
see things uhh.
Then cont'ed playing monopoly.
Till around 3am. Then we went out to bbq again.
Lol. Ate again till around 4am.
Then all went to sleep.
Woah.. shiok.
Almost everyone had a bed each.
3rd day.K then woke up at around 8am.
Packed up.
Then watch tv till we fall asleep again.
I swear everyone who watched tht show fell alseep.
Damn funny.
Then 1130am i jumped up.
Quickly ask the rest to wake up also.
Cos needed to check-out.
Then went over to batok mac to eat.
Everyone had the same meal.
Then went over to CSC to play bowling.
Cos we had the remaining money left.
Spend everything at CSC and the meals alrdy.
Played bowling.
Then me and jm headed over to play and hour of pool.
Then after tht all headed home.
I sat on the sofa and watched teevee till i fell asleep.
Then woke up at 1am.
By then i was alrdy like, how to say, mabok uhh.
In blur state.
Then slept on my bed till 3pm the next day.
19 hours of sleep. Shioook laaa.
29th Oct.Stayed at home and rest.
30th Oct.Went to work.
31st Oct.Went to sentosa with hy. Cos we off.
Went thr, sun-tanned, ate sushi, bathed, walk around took lotsa photos.
And bloody hell, all the photos are GONE.
Then both of us headed home.
I reached home, feeling very happy, cos seldom take nice nice and alot alot photos ahh.
Seriously, i stunned can.
Wahlaoeh. Heartache sial.
Emo alrdy emo alrdy. -> what the hell haha no laa *pukes*
Wahh eh damn sad laa.
All the photos gone, including some chalet photos.
Ahhh kay.
1st nov.Went to work.
Then everything the same alrdy laa.
Tmrw, work again.
Friday, work again.
Sat off but need to go find johnny.
Sunday, work again.
Bahhhhh. :o
Down To Earth Approach is a good band.