I am 16 going on 17 now.
Friday, December 29, 2006, 2:42 AM
Ok finally i'm 16. Like, finally.
26th Dec. Met huiyi, xiaoqing and weina.
Bfore that, went to sch to check out what class we were in.
No changes for 4a1, only tht we have 2 lesser classmates.
4a3 and 4a4 combined.
So next year there'll only be 5a1, 5a2 and 5a3.
Headed to bugis after that, walked around.
Did nothing much, i bought a barney water bottle for yi teng. Hehe.
Then after tht, we decided to head over to causeway point to have dinner at Sakae Sushi, again.
After that elaine came and joined us too. :D

Huiyi, me and elaine.
27th Dec. Bfore i left my house.
My relatives gave me red packets.
My grandma and my 2 aunts.
And my house is like a fish market now.
Cos, all of my relatives are staying at my house now.
Can you imagine, 3 kids, 1 elderly, 3 adults, 1 teenager.
2 just left today.
So total, 10 relatives staying at my house.
All from Indonesia.
Plus my family, 5.
Total of 15 pple in my house.
So received 3 red packets, sumed up to $160. Ho ho. :D
Left home, meet huiyi, weina and xiaoqing.
Then we headed to downtown east, escape.
They've been longing to go escape, so we went there to celebrate.
They bought a cake for me and also a present.
Thanks yea, appreciate it.
Then went off to play.
Basically, the time we queued for the rides is more than the time we played.
Very crowded.
Cos, $6 ticket, plus the get free candy floss, free icecream, free carnival game, $6 off next admission ticket, $6 off merchandise... etc.
So it attracts lotsa pple.
Mostly, the primary school kids.
Left the place at around, 7pm.
Then we to have our dinner, which sucked.
I ate 2 mouth of the noodles and i threw the rest away/huiyi ate some.
Cos it sucked badly.
At around 9pm or so, left the place.
On the way home, took some photos and videos.
One video made me and hy laughed till we cried. Lol.
Ok then weina and xiaoqing left us, they went home.
While me and huiyi went over to pastamania for the party.
It's a x'mas + new year + my birthday + daniel's birthday celebration/steamboat.
At our very own pastamania outlet.
Haha, reached there early.
So lily called me.
She said she wanna pass me something.
So met her, then she gave me this DIY photoframe she made.
Haha appreciate it. :D
Then went back to pastamania and have steamboat.
Alot of ingredients.
Quite a number of pple went.
Ate, joked around bla bla bla.
Then some pple have to leave first.
So left a few of us.
We still continue to eat and stuffs.
Then they bought me a converse tee.
And also a cake.
Shared the cake with daniel.
I swear i laughed alot with them, it was so much fun.
Then me and hy took red wine to drink.
All of us took the red wine to drink.
Free of charge.
After that, begin to feel warm and dizzy.
Cos i think i drink too fast.
Then dizzy, kept rubbing my eye. Haha.
Then around 2am, all of us went off.
Shared cab with hy and mingjie.
Reached home at 230am or so.
Straight away, i lied and my bed and sleep.
With my jeans and top on.
Didn't bother to change cos i was too sleepy and dizzy.
Ok now.
Thanks to/ those who wished me a 'happy birthday' :
Jason - the first one to wished me, cos we both shared the same birthday.
Elton - for the 16! mms, haha.
Weina - for the present as well.
Xiaoqing - for the present as well.
Hui yi - for the present as well.
Yana and her boyf - for the present.
Lili - for the present.
Ameer, Nadia, Jerome, Benson, Kok, Pritpal, Adelene, Gerald, Ken, Terence, Jasper, Bryan, Karen, Ming jie, Jianming, Boon yong, Kar yong, Linda, Sihua, Peiyu.
And many many more, cant recall all. Haha.
Ok now for the photos (not alot) :

My cake from weina, xiaoqing and huiyi. (:

Yay, the 4 of us!

Huiyi, xiaoqing and me.

Xiaoqing and me.

The rest of the photos taken at pastamania is with yana and lam.
So goodnight/goodmorning for now.
Gotta work later and watch charlotte's web!
The Thrills is a good band.
Back in action?
Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 2:25 AM
Ok, not dead yet.
I just seemed to be busy? For god-knows reasons.
Work? Everyday is like the same for me.
But been getting more and more fucked-up costomers.
It's your own fucking problem if you didnt listen to me when i repeat your orders, dont fucking come back to me and complain that i placed the wrong orders!
And don't you fucking try your money on the table, i ain't any beggar.
Sometimes these pple really needs some hammer-knocking-sense into their head.
However, i do meet nice customers.
Not every apple is rotten laa k.
All i have to do is smile.
Ok pardon for the lack of updates. (ok no one cares either). (ok maybe only fiona).
Hmm.. because i dont know what to update.
Let me see what i can recall.
N levels result. It's on the............ 18th i think.
So met my classmates. Congrats to weijian for being the topscorer.
Congrats to adelene too, for obtaining outstanding results. (:
Congrats to weina, xiaoqing and huiyi too.
Whom got really outstanding results. (:
And a
big fuck-you to myself, for obtaining such a disappointing/lousy results.
Ok so when i first saw my results, i shook my head immediately.
It's way off.
So, yes. I gloomed for half of the day.
I did cried thou. But not..... alot.
Was utterly disappointed that i feel like not taking the Os.
I have 0.1% of confidence to take the Os next year.
But still, i submitted the blue form.
After getting the results, went back to work.
But mood was kinda back to normal.
Like wtf, why am i so temperamental?
Reached home, dad asked me bout my results.
So i said, 9.
2nd sister replied, "humh, so lousy".
Dad said, "so means pass laa? ok".
Mum only asked whether i passed anot.
Eldest sister, didnt even know i've gotten my results. (till now)
Because practically, for the past whole week, i only seen my sister for like, 10 mins.
When i'm home, she's at work/sleeping.
When she's home i'm working.
Ok done with the results.
Whatever it is, Os will be the top priority next year.
Friday, 22nd. Went to the salon with hy, again.
Ok firstly, she regretted perming her hair. Cos she got alot of bad comments.
And then she cried.
Then, she decied to rebond it back.
So i accompanied her there.
Watched her rebond.
Then the hairdresser asked me if i wanna cut.
Only had the intention to trim my hair initially.
But so why not, i trim my whole hair.
Now it's shortented again. Much more thinner, hy said it looked better.
Ok after tht, headed back to work again.
And once again, nobody knows i cut my hair. -.-
Ok, next time i get moehawk then everyone will notice.
I wanted to, but school may not allow.
Ok not exacly moe hawk, but something like naima's?
Chirstmas Eve, 24th dec. Had to work on that day.
And the opening hours extended.
So quickly do finish closing. Ended exactly at 12am.
Then after tht, quickly change and rushed down to meet xiaoqing, weina, jianming, elton and gerlad at esplanade.
Pple are on their way home on the last train, while i'm on my way to esplanade on the last train. Lol.
Went all the way there on my own.
Reached there, we walked around, was kinda boring.
Then headed to makan sutra to eat.
After tht, walked around again.
Then sat at the tables and chairs near the chillout stage to slack and chit chat.
Decided to buy poker cards and play.
Then after tht, jasper called.
They were at esplanade too.
So jasper and his gang came to meet us.
There was, jasper, jiekai, jerome, shudong, yanfei, syazni, lijuan and ruishan.
Then sat there, slacked, chit chat.
Shudong was like the entertainer.
Wah lao, can't stop laughing man. He was like real high.
Then he hooked girls up, he managed to took a girl's number laa. Lol.
Then somehow got chased away by securities.
All the pple around there was being chased away.
So we went off to another place.
Chit chatted.
Jasper was doing his drunk-thing to me again.
Like, lol.
He made me look drunk too.
Haha and then somehow it was 7am alrdy.
Then took 106 back to batok.
All parted, i reached home at around 8am.
Then slept at around 9am.
And then i had to wake up to prepare for work again.
Was damn tired.
Was assigned to be cashier today. And i was in a total blur state.
My drawer was like super messy.
The 10cents were mixed with 20cents.
Forget to serve this or serve tht.
Then began to feel dizzy.
I think i'm gonna suffer once sch reopens.
Cos my sleeping time now is, 3am or 4am.
It's getting later and later.
I tried sleeping earlier, but i just cant get to sleep. I don't know why.
I need sleeping pills.
And i get very little sleep these days.
I sleep at 3 or 4am and i have to wake up early during most of the days.
Ok, not photos taken.
So not photos are put up.
End of story.
House Of Heroes is a good band.
Friggin fuckin' flu.
Sunday, December 17, 2006, 11:32 PM
I had to woke up at 8am in the morning today.
Cos i had to meet xiaoqing, jasper, jerome and jie kai.
To go to the nike end-of-year sales, at expo.
I'm not any nike-fan, but just to acc them and also at the same time to see anything that is nice. Lol.
So practically, everyone couldnt wake up.
I woke up only at 7.45am.
But still managed to meet them 15 mins later.
Then jasper also late, xiaoqing also late.
Only jiekai was thr early.
K then went there, took the train.
Reached expo, thr were alrdy pple queuing outside.
Then jasper's fren, wei yi was there alrdy, so he helped us queue first.
Lol. But after tht wasnt so crowded anymore.
All of them bought a shoe, except for me.
Cos none caught my eye.
Very cheap laa, nike dunkers; $50 a pair.
After tht, went off to have lunch.
And it rained for the whole day.
After lunch, headed off to town, shop around.
Then decided to go catch a movie; Open Season.
Bfore the movie, went over to starbucks and chit chat.
But jasper ended up sleeping.
Then the rest of us just practically, stone, smoke, chit chat and listen to mp3.
Jerome and jiekai super heavy smoker can..?
5 mins, 2-3 sticks.
The whole day non-stop smoking.
Then rained so heavily.
All of us got drenched even under shelter at starbucks.
So we sat thr for around 2 and a half hours then headed over to the cinema.
Went in, fucking cold; tahan.
Then i watched till halfway, fell asleep.
Cos some parts really boring.
Then when the 894926540284 squrieels shouted, "hoy!"
I woke up.
Hahaha jerome also same case; all very tired.
But behind behind was nice, cos damn funny and cute.
Rushed out the cinema cos it was fucking cold in thr.
Then went out, all of us parted.
Jerome and jiekai went to play billard.
Me, xiaoqing and jasper headed home.
Weiyi also headed home.
Funny thing is, when we all parted 3 different directions.
Went out, 5 secs, foooooooooommm the rain SUDDENLY very heavy.
Then all of us run, and in the end, we were back together in the same group again.
Hahaha, funny.
So chatted outside cine for awhile to wait for the rain to become smaller.
Then parted again, ran to the bustop.
Then at the traffic-junction, me and xq was using a plastic bag as a shelter.
This cute guy looked at us and then he smiled to us.
The smile ahh.. very sweet. Lol.
Ok ok ok.
Oh ya, cute guy at starbucks too.
Aiyah, everytime starbucks' staffs all pretty and handsome and hot and cute one.
It's true.
Ok then in the bus, fucking cold and shiver so much.
Hair so wet, clothes so wet, shoe so wet.
Shiver all the way to home.
And now, my hands and feets are cold yet my body and face is so warm.
And my flu is so bad now...........
Ho ho ho, merry chirstmas.
And tmrw, results of N lvls.
Double ho ho ho, merry chirstmas.
The results is gonna change alot of things.
So yeah.
Zolof The Rock & Roll Destroyer is a good band.
Something else.
Saturday, December 09, 2006, 1:32 AM
I finally have something to update, other than crap.
8th Dec. Was supposed to wake up at 1030am, then snooze my alarm till 1145am then woke up.
Cant blame uhhh, i slept late the day bfore.
So in the end, i had to delay the meeting time with hy.
Met her 130pm instead of 1pm.
But in the end, i rushed and i managed to get ready by time.
So i left the house at around 1255pm.
Then called hy, she said she still at home.
I sat at batok for about 15 mins.
Then out of a sudden, stomache. Nabeis.
So i rushed to wm's toilet lar, then rushed back to to mrt station.
Waste my ezlink money. -.-
Then waited till 1.50pm, huiyi arrived.
Went off after that.
Had no idea where to go, so in the end, we ended up at outram.
We went out, see see, nothing much then went back and headed to bugis instead.
Watse ezlink money again. -.-
After tht, shopped around bugis.
Bought hair-wax. Then bought oreo bars! Very very nice, must try, it's new.
Then after that huiyi hungry, so we walked around to look for some place to eat.
Walked past where luther works, but the things not tht appetizing and kinda expensive.
So we went off.
Then decided to eat at Seoul Garden.
Then luther called, asking where we are, so in the end, he joined us, cos he was having his break also.
So 3 of us ate at seoul garden.
Then when taking food.
I saw Azri.
Then we pointed at each other. He point at me, i point at him.
Hahaha. He was working there laa.
Then we were like, "angeline right?", "azri right?". Lol.
After an hour or so, luther left first.
So me and hy continued eating.
We've been spending alot on food than shopping uhh.
Few days ago, spend on sakae.
Today, seoul garden.
I think next week, i want billy bombers. (i've been waiting)
Ok after we finished, left the place, then dunno where to go.
And junction was kinda crowded.
Walk walk, saw Zhang Lao Shi (ex mt teacher) with Mr Steven Tay seh.
So the rumors were true uhh. Hahahhaa.
After tht, left the place, headed to mrt station.
Took some photos. Then headed home.
Yea, let the photos talk ok?

The eyes like sama-sama liddat uhh.

Me, Angeline.


"Ayeeeeeee, i know i look ugly in this but it's ok."
Take The Crown is a good band.
Friday, December 08, 2006, 1:07 AM
2.45am: Go off to bed.
1.10pm: Wake up, sit at the single-seater sofa and think through some things.
1.30pm: Go bath, brush teeth.
2.00pm: On the computer, use the comp, visit blogs, friendster, myspace. (then if got time, play prisonserver for a while)
3.00pm: Shut down the comp.
3.05pm: Put on my socks, shoe, rubberband, watch and pen.
3.10pm: Leave the house to the bus-stop.
3.15pm: The bus arrived.
3.25pm: Reached the bus-interchange, walk to pastamania.
3.30pm: Reached there, greet my friends.
3.25pm: Order my staff-meal.
3.45pm: Punch-in.
4.00pm: Count cashier money.
4.05pm: Eat, rest.
4.45pm: Start work.
8.25pm: Can rest alrdy, cos not much orders alrdy.
8.30pm: Make garlic bread, bruchetta for myself to eat.
9.00pm: Still making things to eat.
9.10pm: Do the 'to-do' list for the closers.
9.15pm: Chit chat, havoc with my friends.
9.30pm: Still chit chatting, still playing.
9.45pm: Start some of the closing.
10.00pm: Ring bell 7 times, marks the end of last order.
10.05pm: Start doing closing. (sweep, mop, clean, wipe, top up condiments.. etc)
11.10pm: Finish closing.
11.15pm: Signing of time-card, then all went home.
11.35pm: Reach home.
11.45pm: Talk to parents for awhile, watch tv.
12.00am: Bathe.
12.15am: Use the comp again.
2.45am: Off the comp, go off to bed.
1.10pm: Wake up, brush teeth..................
And everything repeats.
This schdedule/time-line has been repeating since monday.
So yeah, this is life for now.
Until 18 dec, things will somehow change abit.
18dec = N lvls result.
I have totally no idea whether i can make it or not.
Like, i really don't know you see.
Blank, you see.
Meg and Dia is a good band.
Losing control.
Friday, December 01, 2006, 2:01 AM
I so need to control myself now.
My temper, attitude, tone, character, mindset and whatever fucking shit you can ever list down.
I can fucking forgive but i cant fucking forget.
So pretty please stop telling me, "aiyah, just forgive and forget loh".
No, things aren't as simple as what you think/said.
Things happen for many reasons, not just one fucking reason you faggots.
Simple simple, small issues means alot of things so don't just let it go.
When you sum up all these simple simple issues, you get a huge difference.
And open your eyes wide to see the people around you.
Everyone should try locking themself in an empty room, with 4 white-painted walls for an hour.
Within that hour, you can picture yourself in many situations.
Mmmhmm.. i tried.
And all i did was viewing back my memories.
You know, like some tape rewinding inside your mind. It happens.
And at most time of the time, you'll keep regretting what you've done.
During alot of times, i wanna be MIA.
You know those kind of feeling?
-I don't wanna be bothered.
-Just let me be alone for some time.
-It's really tiring to smile or talk now, really.
-I just wish i couldnt be seen so that i can do what i want.
-I wish i wont exsist so things won't happen.
Gossipping.It's the cruelest thing any of your true friends/friends can do.
It's even more cruel when you find out your own friends did that on you.
Yes, i admit, i do gossip.
But after some figuration, i think, i quit.
It's like, who am i to gossip about someone.
Who am i to judge or criticise someone's attitude, character, when i myself's isn't perfect or any wonder.
I ain't god, i ain't perfect, i have no single right to judge or criticise someone.
And the day for me to judge or criticise someone won't come.
Never, ever ever ever try to be smart.
And you pple can now go, 'oh wow, whatever lah angeline'.
But well, it's ok.
Go figure.
Don't just look infront when you walk. Look back, left and right also.
I don't know why this post came out.
When it happens, it happens.
And no, nobody offended me or anything.
I'm not angry at anyone.
I offended myself and i'm angry at myself.
And this fucking post is for myself.
The Spill Canvas is a good band.
Losing control.
, 2:01 AM
I so need to control myself now.
My temper, attitude, tone, character, mindset and whatever fucking shit you can ever list down.
I can fucking forgive but i cant fucking forget.
So pretty please stop telling me, "aiyah, just forgive and forget loh".
No, things aren't as simple as what you think/said.
Things happen for many reasons, not just one fucking reason you faggots.
Simple simple, small issues means alot of things so don't just let it go.
When you sum up all these simple simple issues, you get a huge difference.
And open your eyes wide to see the people around you.
Everyone should try locking themself in an empty room, with 4 white-painted walls for an hour.
Within that hour, you can picture yourself in many situations.
Mmmhmm.. i tried.
And all i did was viewing back my memories.
You know, like some tape rewinding inside your mind. It happens.
And at most time of the time, you'll keep regretting what you've done.
During alot of times, i wanna be MIA.
You know those kind of feeling?
-I don't wanna be bothered.
-Just let me be alone for some time.
-It's really tiring to smile or talk now, really.
-I just wish i couldnt be seen so that i can do what i want.
-I wish i wont exsist so things won't happen.
Gossipping.It's the cruelest thing any of your true friends/friends can do.
It's even more cruel when you find out your own friends did that on you.
Yes, i admit, i do gossip.
But after some figuration, i think, i quit.
It's like, who am i to gossip about someone.
Who am i to judge or criticise someone's attitude, character, when i myself's isn't perfect or any wonder.
I ain't god, i ain't perfect, i have no single right to judge or criticise someone.
And the day for me to judge or criticise someone won't come.
Never, ever ever ever try to be smart.
And you pple can now go, 'oh wow, whatever lah angeline'.
But well, it's ok.
Go figure.
Don't just look infront when you walk. Look back, left and right also.
I don't know why this post came out.
When it happens, it happens.
And no, nobody offended me or anything.
I'm not angry at anyone.
I offended myself and i'm angry at myself.
And this fucking post is for myself.
The Spill Canvas is a good band.