Monday, March 26, 2007, 10:58 PM
Okay so here it goes, i got tagged by xiaoqing. -.-
People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things about themselves as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog.1. I fucking hate moulds or food that gets fermented/rot. My hair will stand straight away. And then i'll wriggle like a fucking worm. Goddamnit!
2. I love the feeling of how a beetle's legs grabs my finger whenever i catch them!
3. I love the smell of liquid paper/correction liquid.
4. I like to share my laughter by hitting whoever's around me. -.-
5. I always think tht i'm not weird enough. (So is this weird enough?)
6. I fucking hate moulds or food that gets fermented/rot. My hair will stand straight away. And then i'll wriggle like a fucking worm. Goddamnit!
Now the 6 pple who have to do it:1. Akon
2. Beyonce
3. Ciara
4. Daddy Yankee
5. Eminem
6. Fergie
Do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it!
On the other hand.
So, i've decided to first approach her, talked things out, apologised, cos all along it was my fault, was forgiven, gotta be wary of what i say now, hopefully, things will be better and be the same as bfore.
Well, sorry doesn't quite seem to be the hardest word, right?
But say it with sincerity otherwise it would be plain useless.
So yeah, perhaps i'm still a bitch in her, his, their eyes.
I understood that.
The New Amsterdams is a good band.
Even complicated.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 11:32 PM
I betrayed the trust
she gave me :\
I got a foul mouth.
Moral of the story, i'ma fucking
(Go read seventeen on BFFs)
Walking Ashland is a good band.
Work it.
Monday, March 12, 2007, 8:36 PM
Sunday, 11th March. Met huiyi and weina at 245pm.
Then waited at jurong east till around 3pm for jianming.
And then at Jurongeast, something fuckin' hilarious happened.
Ok i dont knw how to explain, it's between to rurual ah pek and ah ma.
So ah ma was at the ass of the mrt station while ah pek was at the head of the mrt station.
Ah ma got lost, thrfore panicked and shouted for ah pek.
Ah pek heard her whine, the whined back for ah ma.
Then both walked towards the same direction.
Until this pillar, they walked past each other without seeing each other.
And cont'ed whining.
And the whining ahhh fucking hilarious, the ah ma one damn high pitch then ah pek one, damn low pitch can.
Hence, me and huiyi was laughing till we're out of breath.
So me and huiyi came to a term, if we ever get lost in town, we'll use the same method to look for each other. Ha ha. >.<
And then we headed off to town.
To look for our shoes.
Ok, so once again, we didnt find anything.
Plus had some quarrels. It was between me and hy actually.
It was a super duper tiny winy matter.
And the come to think of it, i find it funny and childish why we quarrelled.
Haha of cos thr are some other reasons i dont wanna say. [:
Ok then we head off to marina south for dinner which we had planned long ago.
With the help of weina, we settled it at the mrt station.
( Great help, thanks weina! [: )
Ok then at marina south we settled down.
Eventually, me and huiyi went back to normal. [:
Had a fulfilling meal there. And of cos fun to add on.
So weina and huiyi was the crabby-queen while i was the meat-queen.
Ok after our dinner, we stink badly, very badly.
I had the worst smell cos i was seated where the smoke flew towards me. -.-
Couldnt stand it.
After the steamboat/bbq, we went to arcade.
Played the 'put-your-$1.50-into-the-machine-and-try-to-catch-a-toy' machine.
So yeah, spent quite alot on it, cos it was really addictive.
However we left the place with bare handed.
Ok then after tht wanted to catch a movie, but no more timeslot of the movies we wanted to watch.
So headed back home.
Anyway, i want to watch 300.
But knn, M18.
K then on the train we all came to an agreement to wake up early in the morning to go jog.
All steady steady alr.
So all meet at 6am.
Then shared cab at batok due to safety purposes.
Reached home at around 1145pm or 12am..?
Monday, 12th March. Set the alarm and woke up at 6am.
I msged jianming, "eh i dont feel like waking up leh".
Then he scolded me haha.
Then next min, weina msged me, "can go without me? i cannot tahan ah.".
Ok then i asked if the jog is still on.
Jianming said must, then i go lor.
Told my mum i going jogging and she was like, "siao ah, dont run inside forest forest ah...."
So met jianming under my blk.
We started jogging from LittleGuilin(gombak) all the way to Hillview(huiyi's house).
The journey took around 30mins.
Hahaha, was suffering at first.
Then jianming run very fast, i was way behind, then knn bangla keep staring at me.
Then i run quickly.
Reached huiyi's hse.
Wah ran up the slope leh, took alot of energy and strength.
Then reached outside hy's hse, she's still asleep. -.-
Then we go the playground outside play awhile.
When hy's ready, we ran from her house all the way to BukitBatok NatureReserve.
Wah, hardcore jogging.
Hahaha, then reached BBNR, took a stroll inside.
And the from there, we ran all the way home.
Parted with huiyi at the junction.
Then me and jianming ran all the way home from BBNR to Gombak.
Was panting badly, but i kept it constant and with the aid of jianming.
Haha he kept disallowing me to stop.
So run lor.
And i'm very happy/proud of myself. [:
Then reached home and bath and sleeped.
Oh yay, i completed my Need For Speed: Carbon on my psp!
Hell yeah, lambo and porsche! [:

I ran till my sweat formed a heart shape. <3
The Kooks is a good band.
Good Ol' Pastamania.
Friday, March 09, 2007, 11:54 AM
After school.
Me, huiyi and weina went down to pastamania HQ.
Me and huiyi needed to return our uniform.
Bfore tht, headed to westmall pastamania to take the resignation form first.
Woah missed them so much.
K then after tht, went to queenstown whr the HQ is at.
Reached thr, wah cbknn sia.
The HQ pple talks fucking arrogantly.
"This is not your mother's company hor".
Hor!? Fuck you bitch.
Can't you speak properly uh, doesn't mean i wear a sch uniform means you can say those things to me.
Cb sia.
And then i was forfieted and i had to pay them $12.50 instead of getting back my $30.
Cos why? We returned the uniform too late.
Same goes for huiyi.
Like whatever lah, go ahead and eat my money.
Don't wanna talk about this anymre.
But thing is, it's only the HQ pple that makes me fed up.
Not the westmall's pastamania crew.
Whole lot of difference.
Urgghh fuck it.
K then after that, went back to westmall to have lunch/dinner at 3pm or so.
Sat there with huiyi and weina for a long time.
Chit chatted and stuff.
Then met ah kok and ah pong (chef) at the foodcourt.
Chatted with them for a lil also.
Anyway, i have put on so much weight!
Ahhhh! I need to go on diet, like seriously.
Hhaha, but everytime, "say only...".
Ahh food, too much food.
But i love food, food food.
Ok, eat and exercise at the same time.
A Heartwell Ending is a good band.
Come'on yo.
Sunday, March 04, 2007, 10:08 PM
Common test week is over.
Will be getting results tmrw. -.-
Friday, 2nd March. Had the last ppr, poa.
Then after school, quickly rush home, cos meeting frens to celebrate chinese new yr.
Rushed home, bathed, changed.
Thr was me, huiyi, xiaoqing, weina, jianming and elton.
1st house visit was weina's house.
But her parents weren't home at all.
So just sat thr chit chat and play lor.
Then after tht, 2nd house visit - my house.
Went frm weina's hse to mine, and it was raining so damn heavily.
Went thr in 3 pairs, haha just nice.
Reached my hse, my mom was baking cakes.
So we just sat in the living room, eat watch tv blabla.
Then they collect red packets from my mom.
Then showed them my room, blablah.
After tht, went over to jianming's house.
So i represented the whole grp to give the oranges to his mom.
While jianming represented the whole grp to give the oranges to my mom.
Then his mom still as humorous.
Cos jianming was pinching me.
Then i shouted, "Auntie! you see jianming......".
Then auntie shouted back, "why? i see him for 16 years alr, u tell me got what difference?".
Hahaha, ok translated. It was in mandrain lah.
It was pretty hilarious to me thou. Ahaha.
Mmmkay. Then after tht, collected red packets frm his mom.
Oh jianming bought xiuxiu the dog over.
Damn cute can, very small sized.
K then around 7pm or so, we left the place and decided to have lunch.
Headed over to jurong point.
And elton left us first, he was meeting his other frens.
So went to jurong point, initially wanted to have pizza hut, but queue was very long.
So hopped over to delifrance instead.
Woah, had a fulfilling meal.
I had the steak, hmmm not so bad lah.
Then after that we had our desserts, woah lagi best.
Esp the brownie, which melts in your mouth.
Haha, all the deserts were nice lah.
Bill sumed up to $100.
Then got another $25 voucher.
Yay, can visit thr again. Ahaha.
Then headed back home after tht.
Wanted to catch a movie actually, but xq and hy cant.
Then wn very tired.
Then me and jm wanted, but no point lah.
End of the day.
Saturday, 3rd March. Woke up around 1pm or so.
Initally was supposed to go to pastamania HQ to return my uniform with Huiyi.
But, when we msged daniel to ask, he said HQ wasnt opened.
So me and hy decided to just go town to slack.
Met huiyi at 2pm.
But decided to go bugis instead, we both wanted to look for shoes, again.
I'm in need of another shoe cos the vans i bought is kinda like spoilt.
The sides are all opened.
Despite the fact tht it's Vans, which cost me $70, which i thought it would be something with good quality.
Hence, i have a bit of suspection tht it's not a real Vans.
Even thou it has all the prints, shoebox and all lah.
In turn, it has became my sch shoe now.
Wasted man.
Gonna invest my moneh in a good shoe again.
Huiyi needs a shoe, jianming needs a shoe, i need a shoe.
Ok then we shopped around bugis junction.
First thing when we entered the mall, saw the cleo's bachelor contest.
Then the hot guys took off their tops.
And woah.......... hahahhaa.
But me and huiyi decided to walk off.
Cos huiyi said, "aiyah they too old liao, no attraction".
Agreed lah!
Then we tried on some shoes.
And whenever i wanna buy the shoe, thr's always no size.
Then went to delifrance again. Tea break.
Hahaha, very nice very nice the food.
Then headed off to icon.
Went into one shop, bought a star-necklace and a top.
Same goes for huiyi.
The shop owner very nice can.
She was a malay lady, very friendly, very young.
Then she gave us alot of discounts.
Alot lah.
Then all the things in her shop very nice................
Really, when u use credit cards to pay for shopping items, u really wont feel anything.
Unless u use cold hard cash.
I need to control man!
Ok, left bugis and went to imm.
Went thr to find jianming.
He was working, then he asked me acc him for dinner.
So ok lor, went over.
Then me and huiyi shopped around first.
Went into sony gallery.
Lol, then huiyi tried on the camera.
Then the alarm rang, dont knw why.
Hahaha, so damn embarassing lah.
Ok then huiyi left first, cos she had family gathering.
So me and jianming went to eat pepper lunch, again.
Lol. Chit chatted, then headed home after tht while he went back to work.
Ok reached home.
My house was very crowded.
Uncle david, auntie connie, auntie julia and all the kids were at my house.
Plus my relatives.
Then we lau yu sheng, chinese tradition. Haha.
But this yr, quietened down alot.
Past few yrs was very crowded, more noise.
After tht, they gambled, while i use the comp.
Till around 3.30am then they left the place.
Then today, woke up only at 3pm.
Bathed, changed and went over to auntie mary's house.
Last day of chinese new yr mah.
Then went back home and here i am rotting......

She really bit me when i was capturing tht shot.

At delifrance.

It was actually huiyi's necklance.
Recently, we have huge obsession for unique necklaces not typical.

Mmhmm.. very familiar.



Hahaha, purposely dont wanna take natural. So i gave hy all tht faces.
K end of photos.
Harry And The Potters is a good band.